The senator squirms under my soldier’s ministrations, shrinking back into the chair as Kieran stalks around him. Watching, observing.

Looking for which vein to slit first.

I cross the room to where Gia’s hunched over, sifting through weapons with a strange look on his face. “You good?”

He shrugs. “I don’t like involving outsiders, is all.”

Nodding, I reach for a medieval-looking instrument, turning it in my hands. “Where the hell does Kal get this shit?”

“I’m not sure I even want to know.”

Marco’s got Dominic stripped completely naked; his chest heaves as I walk over, tears staining his rotund cheeks, making him look almost boyish. I rip the gag from his mouth, giving him a chance to speak. To repent. “If you’re hoping the sad, innocent look will convince us to let you go, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“Now, look, asshole. If you think the federal government won’t come down on you because of this, you have another thing coming.”

Annoyed with his lack of remorse, I shove the bandana back in his mouth, making sure my fingers scrape the inside flesh as much as possible. “I’m not scared of the fucking government.”

Gripping his left hand, I fit his thumb between the metal bars of the instrument. His eyes widen as I start to twist the screw in the middle, pulling his digit closer to the bar at the bottom of the apparatus. It’s a slow process, dragged out by how he jerks and whimpers, but as soon as his skin makes contact with the metal, I twist faster, harder, putting all of my weight into it.

His wails are muffled by the gag, sweat pouring off his face as I continue twisting. I hear the soft crack where bone begins to break beneath the pressure, and I can’t stop a grin from spreading across my face.

Fuck, if that doesn’t give me a semi.

He pushes the bandana out. “Jesus,wait.” Dom pants, his face blood red. “Can’t we come up with some kind of deal?”

“You mean, like the deal you offered your friends? Sorry, but I don’t fuck minors, and you’re all out of daughters.”

I repeat the process on the other hand, the scent of Dominic’s piss permeating the air as he continues to struggle through the pain. Smiling down, I release his limp thumb, kicking him in the shin with my steel-toe. A dark purple welt forms on his leg, and a deep groan rumbles in his chest, his breaths harsh and labored.

“Should we try to get any extra information from him?” Marco asks, glancing at my father for direction.

It irks me, but I ignore the blatant insubordination, too focused on the adrenaline surging through me.

I meant what I said to Caroline. That killing someone changes you, mars your soul in a way you can’t ever erase.

But I’m already beyond saving, so this won’t matter.

“I’m not interested in anything else this sack of shit has to say.”

Kieran steps away, studying me. Grabbing the knife from Marco, I glide the dull side over Dominic’s flushed skin, reveling in the horror reflected in his dark eyes. “What’s the matter, Senator? You don’t like knife play? Odd, because your daughter sure as fuck does. I could’ve shoved this blade up her pussy, and she would’ve taken it,loved it, because that pain wouldstillbe less than what you caused her.”

Not that I would’ve ever done that. Hurting her isn’t even in my fucking vocabulary.

But he doesn’t know that.

I turn the tip, so it slices against the end of his short, flaccid dick, and his protests resume. He kicks his head back, trying to get away, but there’s no escape. “I want you to imagine her as you bleed out in this room. As the life fades from your eyes, I want the last image you have to be of me fucking your daughter. Loving her, giving her everything she needs, and never got from you. Because she might not be the one here, holding a knife to you right now, but this isall for her.You’ll be the last fucker ever to hurt her.”

Gripping his cock in my free hand, I smirk. “Uncircumcised.Perfect.”

The sounds that gurgle from the back of his throat as I saw his shaft in half set my skin ablaze, a jolt of electricity spreading through my body the way tequila warms your insides.

He’s somehow still conscious, though bleeding heavily. His eyes droop lower with each passing second. I wave Kieran over, who wields an obsidian blade, a strange look of peace on his face.Jesus, this kid’s weird.

Stalking around Dom in the chair, Kieran bends at the back, reaching forward and cutting the ties holding his ankles to the chair. Gripping one foot in his gloved hand, he uses the opposite to drag the blade across the back of his ankle; a sharp, ear-piercing squeal comes from Dom as Kieran repeats the action on the other foot.

“Please, please don’t—” The senator moans, his voice raspy and barely audible.

Marco winces. “Is this fucking necessary?”