Her hand reaches out and grips my throat, applying pressure until I can’t breathe at all. My esophagus crumples, and I can’t help thinking I deserve this. That I’d carry it over into real-life if I had the chance. That I’d go with her if I could go back.

She shakes me, releasing my throat to clutch my shoulders, thrusting my body back and forth until she starts to blur and fade. The starlings overhead swarm above us until they block the sun, thesort solshe always admired; a Danish phenomenon in nature, a nightmare in this dream.

Her body seems to evaporate into thin air right at the moment my eyes fly open, my body jerking upward with adrenaline, nearly knocking over the person gripping my shoulders in real life.

Caroline’s face hovers close to mine, blue eyes dilated, and our breaths match in harshness and frequency. Her fingernails bite into my bare shoulders, and I welcome the pain.

It’s a reminder that I’m awake. Alive.

Here, with her.

That I have questions she needs to answer.

She licks her plump lips, teeth sinking into the bottom one. Desire for her courses through my veins; she’s a fresh rain after a long drought, her innocence a magnet I can’t tear myself from. The fire in her soul something I want to consume me. Make me whole. Redeem me.

All this time, I thought she’d be the one surrendering to me—giving in.Jesus Christ was I wrong.

“You were having a bad dream, I think.”

“Yeah,” I breathe, mesmerized by her proximity. “I was.”

Shifting slightly, putting an inch between us, she clears her throat, eyes locked on mine. God, I don’t ever want her to look away. “Are you okay?”


“Oh.” She blinks, her chest inflating and concaving with each increasingly labored breath.

My shoulders warm under her touch, pleasure slithering down my spine, and I can’t help wondering if she feels it too.

But instead of addressing that, or our altercation earlier, or the fact that she’s injured, or that I just had a fucking nightmare for the first time in years, I lash out.

Gripping the back of her neck, I drag her lips down to mine, sealing her fate, entwining it with my own.Sort solbe damned; Caroline obliterates the fucking sun all on her own.

IT’S HARD TO THINK with Elia’s tongue in my mouth; he’s like a diving team on an expedition to the seafloor, searching for buried treasure.

His large hands tangle in my hair, fusing our mouths before I have a chance to ask about the sounds he was just making in his sleep. Pitiful moans woke me from the blackout slumber I’d fallen into, and even though my vision swam when I sat up, searching for the source, I still found myself reaching for him.

That would’ve been the perfect time to sneak into my room and lock myself inside, but his groans grew in pitch with every shuddering breath wrenched from his chest, and it freaked me out. Made him seem too human.

My head pounded, pain ebbing from a single spot on my temple, and I hadn’t been able to think clearly. I was reaching for him before I realized what was happening, drawn to him by some invisible force.

He kisses me with a voraciousness that steals the air from my lungs. One of my hands brushes over the tattoo on his side as it falls to his stomach. The other winds up his chest, wrapping around his neck.

My fingers press into the rock-hard muscles, making him shiver. I’m straddling his lap as he strains upward, forcing us closer like he’s trying to sew our bodies together, erase the evidence that we’re two separate entities.

Stroking his side, I wrestle his tongue with my own, lapping and licking and sucking until the sounds of our sloppy kisses fill my ears, heating my cheeks and making my thighs clench.

His hand leaves my hair and makes the slow, agonizing descent down my back, leaving a trail of molten lava in its wake. I pull back, tearing my lips from his. He moves forward again, trying to reconnect us, but I retreat, keeping the distance. “Elia.” My voice comes out breathless.Husky.

“Mio amore,” he whispers, rolling his hips beneath me.

The shirt I’m wearing—did he put this on me?—slides up at our contact, allowing better access between us, and my clit presses against the bulge in his boxers.

It hits me that this is only the second time I’ve seen him this undressed outside of the pool. Since that day he came home drunk and took off his shirt, he’s been more cautious around me like he suspects I feed off his vulnerability. And yet, here he lays clad only in his underwear, body on full display.

“We have to stop.”

“Why?” He leans forward, lips grazing my neck, and the heat flaring in my pussy nearly makes me cave.