I know exactly what he sees: vulnerability in acapo, a man the people in town are supposed to fear—someone to keep our rivals at bay, even if just based on reputation.

Rage boils in my veins, a violence I’ve never felt before surging ugly and angry, nearly blinding in its presence. My face heats, heart thrashes wildly in my chest.I’m going to slit the throats of every fucking journalist in a fifty-mile-radius.

Pointing to the door, I nod for Siena to leave; she obeys, pulling it closed behind her, and I work on calming the mounting agitation curdling in my gut.

Still, I try to play it off, shrugging as I hand the phone back. “So, they caught a lovers’ quarrel on camera. Certainly, this isn’t the first of its kind.”

“You call that a quarrel? Son, she laid you out to dry like wet fucking laundry.” He runs a hand through his graying hair, pulling at the roots. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“Between the time I had my hands on her and when she maimed me? Honestly, I didn’t have time to think much of anything.”

“Exactly. You’re becoming too soft, and she’s only been in your life a couple of weeks. Have you madeanyprogress on the thief we have in our midst?”

“Gia’s working on the investigation—”

“And what areyoudoing besides playing house and getting your ass handed to you?”

Inhaling deeply, I clench my jaw against the tightness gripping my chest. I’m beginning to regret coming to the office at all; if I’d nutted up and gone home, I’d be relaxing in my pool with a crossword puzzle in hand. Maybe Caroline would even be there.

“So, where is she?”


My father’s nostrils flare. “Elia.”

“Pops. My wife has a name, you know.”

“Your wife.” Shaking his head, he drops into the seat across from me. “I told you not to marry that girl. Said she’d be trouble. First that dinner, now this. You know how many emails I’ve gotten from Ivers this week, asking when I’m returning his stolen property?”

“He’s emailing you?”

“Yes. I don’t respond, naturally, since email is a hotbed for government tracking.” He scoffs, loosening the tie around his neck and scrubbing a hand over his face. “You’d think Kieran would know better.”

“He’s probably purposely leaving a trail, trying to get Dominic in trouble. Or trying to set us up.”

“Perhaps.” Leaning back in his chair, he steeples his index fingers and studies me a few minutes in silence. “In any case, I want you to pay him a visit. Try to put this feud behind you.”

“Fat chance of that happening, Pops.”

“Son, honestly—”

A knock on the door cuts him off, and Benny sticks his head in, requesting my father’s presence. “Kal Anderson is here to see you, sir.”

“He doesn’t want to deal with Elia?”

Benny shrugs. “Elia said he’s not to be bothered, except for emergencies.”

I grin at the crimson flush spreading across the tips of my father’s ears, letting my head drop back again. But I don’t feel the curve of my mouth in my heart.

My eyes stare up at the ceiling, unseeing. All I can think about is where the fuck my wife is and what I might do when I get my hands on her.

My father points a finger at me as he stands, adjusting his coat. “I meant what I said about Ivers. Put this to bed, and get that girl of yours under control. I don’t want to have to call Rafe up in Boston and tell him you’re unfit to lead this outfit any longer.”

I roll my eyes as he leaves, pressing a fingertip to the cut on my lip. Siena re-enters the room, crossing her arms. She blows a strand of red hair out of her face like she’s trying to distract herself from speaking.

“Something to say?” I ask, careful to keep my expression tame and my voice bored, disinterested, so as not to give her any ideas. Siena’s always been rather forthcoming when it comes to her feelings about me, but I thought with getting married, she’d take the fucking hint that I don’t reciprocate.

This black heart lies elsewhere, with a girl that wants nothing to do with me.