Gia and Marco sit on the sofas in my living room, blowing up balloons, and I spot Phoebe and Caroline out by the pool, arranging pink cupcakes in a circle around the center of the patio table. It’s an unusually warm day for February in Maine, so we decided to do an outdoor celebration in case the chance doesn’t come back up.

Juliet’s warnings about global warming went unheard.

I slip out the back door, nodding to my men in passing, and pull my wife’s hips into my pelvis, unable to resist her even for a moment.

Phoebe’s nose scrunches up. “Y’all are gross.”

Kissing Caroline’s shoulder, I grin at my bartender. “Get used to it, Pheebs. You go to work with my wife, and I’m gonna make sure I stop by all the time and pull her into the storage closet for raunchy quickies.”

“Jesus.” Phoebe picks up a cupcake, licking at the icing, eyes darting momentarily inside and then landing on us again. I turn my head and see Marco standing at the window, a beer in hand, chatting with Luca. “How many kids do you guys want, anyway?”

“As many as she’ll let me pump into her.”

“Oh, my God, Elia.” Caroline shoves me away, adjusting her dress and studying the cupcake display. “Can I get through this pregnancy before you start planning the next, please?”

“And can youplansilently?” Phoebe quips, face twisting in disgust.

“Jeez, I’m sorry my happiness annoys you.”

Caroline grins. “Well, as long as you apologize for it.”

Later, after the candles are blown out, the presents opened (by us, since Poppy decided she was more interested in trying to dive into the pool), and the guests have left, we sit together on a chaise lounge, watching the pool water ripple back and forth.

Caroline toys with the necklace Poppy’s Auntie Liv sent from her vacation in Mexico; finally taking time off work, she decided to jet off with some woman she met on business in Los Angeles. The heart-shaped pendant glimmers in the sunlight, and my wife drops the jewelry back into its gift bag.

Poppy’s light snores draw a smile from me, and I stroke her head on my chest. Caroline sits up, reaching into her cardigan pocket, handing me a folded sheet of paper. “I have something for you.”

“It’s not my birthday.”

“I know.” She shrugs, brushing her hand across Poppy’s forehead. “But, this is long overdue.”

I unfold it, curiosity getting the best of me, and scan the title. “Certificate of Name Change?”

She nods, a blush staining her perfect cheeks. “Keep reading.”

My eyes scan the page, reading quickly. “You’re...CarolineMontalto.”

“I am.” Her face beams with pride, and a surge of lust and love, equal in my feelings for this woman, renews itself in me, making my blood sing for the millionth time since she came into my life.

Like an endless ocean, I feel my heart stretch, absorbing every bit of happiness it can wrench from my soul.

I slip my hand behind her neck and crash her lips to mine, murmuring into her skin, “about fucking time.” Knowing now that if I can’t consume her, devour her, make her one with me, this is as good as it can get.

My soul feels cleansed, rebirthed, and atoned, despite the blackness that still lurks in its depths.

But for now, I choose to focus on the light.

THE SHOVEL BITES into my palm, and already I feel blisters splitting my skin, but they don’t deter me.

This ritual can’t be postponed.

Tossing dirt over my shoulder, I hunker down in the hole as the sound of female giggles pierces the night air, unwelcome in these hallowed grounds.

Well, kind of hallowed. By most.

Not me, if the grave I’m desecrating is any indication.

But another month’s passed, and I can’t let Murphy’s ghost go unattended. I’m the only one that ever visits, anyway, like he didn’t exist to Mom and Fiona. Like they weren’t complicit in his death.