I’m keeping it out of fear, but less because I don’t think he’ll want it and more because I’m sure he will. And it’s hard to reconcile that with everything else that’s happened, everything he is and what it means for me; I can’t imagine he’ll allow me to go through with the plan to kill my father.

Still, each second that passes creates a hole in my heart because I want to share this experience. I want to see how it morphs him, how he extends his feelings for me into what we created.

Because, Elia may have blood on his hands, but it’s not mine. It’s not that of the innocent or the damaged.

And I’ve never felt safer or more loved than I do at this very moment.

“Shouldn’t we be concerned about that?” I ask after a silence plagued by beeping.

“Leo will get it.”

I nod, burrowing deeper into his side, wishing I could just climb inside him and live. I’m just starting to drift off to sleep, working out in my brain how drastically everything has changed between us in these short weeks when I hear the softest confession.

“I fucking love you, Caroline.”

Panic seizes my chest, causing muscles to tighten as my eyes spring open. I sit up, holding the comforter against my chest, and blurt out the first thing that comes to my brain. “I’m pregnant.”

His face remains still for several beats. So long, I’m not even sure he heard me. He just stares, mouth in a firm line; I start to pull away, anxiety edging its way into me all over again, when he breaks into a wide smile, grips my shoulders, and flips me onto my back.

“Are you serious?” He hovers above me, eyes bright and hopeful. I swallow, nodding, unable to speak. “How? We haven’t—”

“That first time took, I guess.”

“Fuck, yeah. You’re stuck with me now, baby.”

Lowering his face to mine, he captures my battered lips in a deep kiss, angling my head so he can slip his tongue inside and sweep around. Hoisting my left leg into his hand, he bends my knee, using his other hand to tease my pussy. And without warning, he pushes inside, sinking like a capsized ship with no other choice.

Sometime later, the smoke detectors quiet. But I hardly notice, too wrapped up in the love that’s surging through me.

CAROLINE’S BODY SAGS against the wall as I wrench my cock from her, yanking my pants up over my hips. She struggles to regulate her breathing, and a loud knock on the bathroom door draws me from the fog I’m dragged into when I bury myself inside of her.

“Sorry, I can’t seem to help myself anymore.” I drop my lips to her sweaty forehead; she tastes salty and spent, and it’s almost enough to make me hard all over again, but I hold back for a few reasons.

One, because I need my stamina for tonight. At least, for the events to come.

And two, because we’re hiding out in the bathroom of the art center where her father’s holding his fundraiser. And while I don’t particularly care about appearing presentable for the miserable fuck, I know Caroline needs to look composed for her part of the night.

“I’m not complaining.” She sucks in a ragged breath, a wobbly smile lighting her face. Straightening to her full height, she adjusts the neckline of the gold mermaid-cut gown she has on, ensuring her tits aren’t spilling out of it. They are, but I don’t say a word. How the fuck can I, knowing what I do now? Knowing she’s got my kid inside her, changing her body in the most glorious ways.

The knocking continues, a muffled voice of agitation joining the fray, but she doesn’t seem at all embarrassed or rushed. Walking to the sink, she peers at herself in the mirror, fluffing her hair and wiping some smudged lipstick from the corner of her mouth.

I sidle up behind her, fitting my pelvis into her delectable, round ass, and place my palms over her stomach. A flutter takes hold in my abdomen, asort solwithin me that does nothing but inspire hope. Love. Happiness.

“Elia.” Her voice holds a warning, eyelids half-closed in her reflection. “We don’t have time.”

My head falls to her bare shoulder, knowing she’s right. We’ve slightly altered the plan of actually killing her father—since I refuse to put her or my child in any danger—and are focusing on ruining his credibility. Making sure he never holds another office, title, or job in this entire country.

Still, something about the way her body seems to vibrate with excitement at the very prospect of ruining Dominic Harrison fills me with unease. It’s part of the reason I pulled her inside the first available bathroom, ravaging her senseless, in case she’s getting other ideas.

“You know how tonight’s gonna go, right?”

She nods. “In half an hour, my dad’ll step up to the podium to formally introduce us as a married couple. Looking for validation in your community, as well as among voters that are afraid of you. Midway through his speech, his microphone will cut out, and audio from a meeting with Todd Davis will play, detailing his complicity in pedophilia and grooming a minor.”

I inhale, squeezing her. Unable to tell her how I got the audio clip—she still hasn’t heard the full conversation—she sits partially in the dark. A wave of nausea wracks through me at the pain this will cause her.

But she asked me to do whatever it takes.

If I could reveal my method without spoiling the latter half of my plan, I would.