Page 39 of The Housewarming

Neil shakes his head. ‘Not really. I mean, in passing. I don’t, like, know them or anything.’

The air changes. Ava is at the kitchen door. One look is enough to see that she is held together with glue. Her hair looks oddly voluminous; her pale and exhausted face looks too small somehow. She has on a loose denim shirt dress, which she has tied at the waist with a tan leather belt, and on her feet are her white Converse pumps, which look a little grubby. Her shins are bluish-white.

‘Ava.’ Bella is out of her stool. ‘Your hair looks fab, babe. I love the way you’ve styled it.’

Ava puts a hand to her head, her cheeks flushing. ‘I just pointed the hairdryer at it and hoped for the best.’

She looks up, directly at Matt, and her doubtful smile breaks his heart. He has to look away, focus on Neil’s thick pink fingers on the green bottle as he fills up the glasses.

‘Well, it looks fab,’ Bella insists. ‘And that dress… is it new?’

‘It’s only a maternity one.’ Ava’s brittle laugh fools no one. ‘Just tied a belt on it. Nothing else fits.’

Undaunted, Bella reaches for two glasses and hands one to Ava.

‘Well it looks really nice, babe.’ She strokes Ava’s arm and gulps her drink.

Matt feels a rush of affection for Bella. She’s trying her best. She and Ava cannot bridge their differences with memories like he and Neil can. And since Abi went missing… since shedied… he and Neil have taken their friendship out of their respective homes and he realises now that they must have left the two women stranded.

‘Cheers anyway,’ he says.

‘Cheers.’ The reply sounds strained, but he tells himself he is overthinking and, in his confusion, downs half a glass. The bubbles go up his nose, making him sneeze. Bella is still fussing Ava, not picking up on Ava’s body language at all.

‘Do you want me to do your make-up? I don’t mind.’

‘No,’ Ava replies bluntly. And then, ‘I’ve done it, thanks.’

‘Actually, mate,’ Neil says. ‘Have you got a lager?’

‘Sure.’ It is a relief to be given a task.

‘Nee,’ he hears Bella say. ‘Roll your sleeves down, babe.’

Matt pulls out a Stella Artois and is about to hand it to Neil, but Neil is concentrating on straightening his sleeves, not a trace of protest.

‘So, how’s work?’ Bella asks, and Matt realises she is talking to him.

‘Good, yeah.’ He opens the beer bottle and hands it to Neil.

‘What are you working on at the moment?’ Bella insists, blinking rapidly.

He sighs, his insides dying a little. Bella never asks him about his job, is only asking now because she’s been stung by Ava. A year ago, Abi would have been here, breaking what little ice there might have been with her babbling chatter. Neil and Bella always seemed keen to hear whatever funny things she had to say, and later, she would insist NeeNee take her upstairs and read her a bedtime story, and he would roll his eyes, feigning reluctance.

Matt answers Bella as briefly as he can. He has an office block to design; it’s quite high-profile, exciting.

Bella nods, but he can see her eyes glazing over.

‘How’s the salon?’ he asks, cringing. He’s about as interested in her salon as he is in colonic irrigation, and is dimly aware of Neil and Ava sitting in silence.

But Bella’s perfectly shaped eyebrows leap up. ‘Good, yeah! Always busy this time of year – people looking forward to autumn or last-minute holidays. Doing a lot of colours, a lot of cool cuts. A lot of waxing.’ She giggles and flashes a wicked grin. ‘Body waxing’s very popular with our male clients. I keep telling Neil he should have it done.’

‘And I keep telling you that will never happen,’ Neil says. ‘You won’t catch me getting a back, crack and sack.’ He pushes the bottle to his lips and takes a long swig.

‘Neil Johnson!’ Bella covers her mouth and shakes her head, but she’s laughing.

‘What about you, Neil?’ It is Ava who has spoken, no trace of mirth in her voice. The room seems to freeze. ‘You’ve been busy?’

‘Yeah, the business is doing great actually,’ Neil replies, his ears reddening. ‘I reckon it’ll be my best year yet. Lovegood did put me forward for quite a few lucrative jobs over in Richmond in the end. Must admit, I never expected him to do that, to be honest.’