Page 74 of Family Plans

Damn it, how could she ever relax knowing that Tim worked daily in this threatening environment?

“Strange, Tim never mentioned your name,” the stunning siren added. “How long have you two known each other?”

“Irrelevant question,” Tim responded. “Come, Erin. I’ll show you my office.”

“Nice meeting you, Erin. Beware of the charming wolves.” Her strident laugh resonated in the hallway. “See you later.”

“Don’t pay attention to Jessica. She has a weird sense of humor.”

Her mind in total chaos, Erin nodded. Hmm, there were too many things she didn’t know about Tim, his important job, and the disgustingly beautiful women gravitating to him. They were overdue for a long talk and more. Her mind preoccupied by her gorgeous companion, she hardly paid attention to his impersonal office, adorned with only a small picture of Brianna in a golden frame on the bookcase shelf behind his back.

Soon the couple buying her house and the real estate agents arrived. Tim led them all to a conference room and opened a folder full of official papers. They read and signed several forms for an hour. The buyer presented a certified check that Tim examined and approved. Erin gave her keys, and they congratulated each other. She could hardly believe she had finally sold her old house.

“Congratulations and good luck.” Tim walked his clients to the elevator while Erin waited in the conference room.

As she got impatient, she glanced at the corridor and groaned. The siren-from-hell had her hand wrapped around the dark fabric of Tim’s sleeve and leaned too close to him.

A rush of worry hit Erin once again and the green-eyed monster raised its ugly head. “Are we done?” she called, striding toward Tim and Jessica. “I have to go home.”

“All done,” Tim answered pleasantly and walked away, tossing over his shoulder, “See you tomorrow, Jessica.”

“Bye, Erin. It was nice meeting you.” Jessica’s glance said the exact opposite.

“Likewise.” Erin forced a smile.

His fingers pressing into her back, Tim led her to the door. “We got rid of a big burden. Now, we can take care of ourselves.”

She flung him an irritated glare. Had the moment of truth arrived?

Her heart beating a staccato, Erin remembered his words.I’ll take care of the garage sale and the house sale, and then we’ll talk about our private issues.

During the ride home, she let him concentrate on his driving and pondered the past few days. Why had she acted on her emotions, forgetting about logic?

While dutifully mourning her loving husband, she’d basked in Tim’s love and attention, and then agonized over Ben’s betrayal, accusing Annette. Devastated and desperate, she’d indulged in self-pity for way too long.

Now, she had to let go of the past, focus on the present, and conquer her fear of the future.

The car slowed down and the tires squeaked on the cement as Tim opened the garage door and parked the car, and then turned off the engine and came around to open her door.

Grateful to have her disturbing thoughts interrupted, Erin pulled herself together. She wouldn’t fall apart while discussing theirprivate issues.To keep him, she would fight tooth and nail, down and dirty.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Tim took off his suit jacket, removed his tie, and tossed them on the back of a chair in the dining room. Slowly rolling up his sleeves, he walked to the bright kitchen of their big house. “I’m making a fresh pot of coffee.”

He definitely needed a clear mind totalkto Erin. Despite the smooth sailing of the closing, she’d been in a somber mood for the whole morning. Any wrong word could be held against him.

He’d done his best to make her life easier, but her resentment against the woman who stole her husband had shifted onto him.

“Here’s a cup of coffee.” He set it in front of her, hoping the strong aroma would energize her. “It’ll allow us to discuss things rationally.”

The frown etched on her forehead didn’t fade. “I don’t want a coffee, and I don’t need your rational speech,” she spat, her eyes glaring as if he was giving her poison. The look of despair spreading across her face squeezed his heart.

Had they reached the point of irreconcilable differences? “I give up, Erin. I don’t know what to do anymore.”

Grabbing his shoulders, she shook him. “I want you, Tim. Only you.”

Had he heard right? He cupped her cheeks and saw the shadows under her eyes, the tight lines around her mouth, the worry in her expression.