Page 68 of Family Plans

Furious, she pointed at the screen. “This woman snatched my husband of twelve years. Because of her, my six children lost their father, and I was left miserable and penniless, working day and night.”

Tim didn’t seem to pay attention to her words. He banged the phone on the table. “I wish the sleaze was here in front of me. I wish I could squeeze his neck.” His fingers clenched and unclenched on the phone. Pushing his chair, he stood and strode toward the backyard door.

“See you tomorrow,” he threw over his shoulder, his voice uncompromising.

Jumping out of her chair, she yelled, “Give me back the phone.”

As if he hadn’t heard her, he continued to his cottage.

“Tim,” she called from the first step to the backyard. The bang of his door resonated in the night.

She kept staring in the night. “Tim, please come back to me,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.

“Erin?” Her mother’s voice startled her. “What’s going on?”

“Tim left, Mom.”

“Where is he gone?”

“To his cottage.”

“So? You scared the hell out of me. He went to sleep and will be back tomorrow to take you to the garage sale.”

“I doubt it. I showed him thepictures. He totally lost it and accused my husband of stealing his wife.”

“So? It’s probably what happened.”

“Mom,” Erin hissed. “Don’t start. Maybe it’s this woman who seduced Ben, made him forget his wife and children.”

Teresa shrugged. “An affair is usually by mutual consent. They’re both guilty. Period. Don’t try to defend this scumbag. He was planning to leave you for another woman without hesitation or remorse.”

“Now, I’ve lost Tim, too. He’s so upset.”

“It makes sense. He just saw the picture. Give him time to digest the whole situation.”

“He took the phone. The rest of the pictures and texts will fuel his anger.”

Teresa nodded. “Probably. We’ll deal with the new development after the garage sale and the sale of the house.”

“How can you be so rational about it?”

“Sweetie, right now there’s nothing you can do. You’d better go to sleep. You’ll need a cool head tomorrow.”

Chapter Twenty

“Where’s Erin?” Tim bellowed, his eyes searching every corner of the kitchen.

“Chill out.” Teresa shook her head. “No need to wake the kids. They don’t have school today. Erin went to the house.”

“Why didn’t she wait for me, damn it?”

“She thought…” Teresa met his gaze and winced. “I don’t know what’s going on between you two. Why do you punish each other for sins committed by others?”

“I don’t—”

“Yes, you act as if she’s responsible for her husband’s offenses. Ben was a scumbag, but your wife wasn’t a virtuous angel. So stop acting like you’re the offended party here. Erin is devastated by what she discovered, yet you’re the one she loves, Tim. She needs your support.”

He was in no mood to discuss his feelings with the meddling woman. “I’m on my way to her house. We have a garage sale today. Bye, Teresa.”