Page 66 of Family Plans

“It proves she’s a deeply honest person.” Russell nodded his approval. “All credit goes to Teresa who raised her daughter with good principles. It reassures me about my judgment of women. Teresa’s not only a wizard at cooking and baking healthy meals, but also the most positive and cheerful woman I’ve ever met.”

Why had the compliment about Erin swiftly morphed into a rhapsody about her mother?

With a besotted expression on his face, Russell smiled. “It shouldn’t surprise me. Teresa is unique. A stunningly beautiful woman. Any man should be proud to have her on his arm. Have you noticed the indigo color of her eyes? And her delicate features? And her—”

“Hmm… Hmm.” Tim cleared his throat. Who would have thought that the tough businessman would fall head-over-heels in love at the age of sixty? “I’m glad you’re convinced of Erin’s integrity.”

“I’ll bet she must be delighted with her discovery. Not only has it proved her husband’s innocence, but also it has offered her an unexpected inheritance.”

Yet Erin had been deeply disappointed by her husband’s falsehood, his lack of trust, and deception. Tim wouldn’t discuss Erin’s husband with Russell and tried to change the conversation.

“Now that you have the manufacturer’s contacts, will you continue doing business with him?”

“Definitely, if I can reach an agreement with him.”

After a two-hour meeting with the owner ofTodas Las Partesand its manager, a tour of the factory and warehouse, and a look at the brochures and list prices, Russell declared himself satisfied and ready to make more deals.

“Tomorrow, I’m staying with Teresa to baby sit and supervise the kids while you and Erin take care of your garage sale. I’ll bring her the rest of the money she found in the safe. It belongs to her. Thank you for driving me all the way to Indiana.”

Tim stopped by his office for an hour to answer phone calls and collect a couple of folders, and then picked up the younger children from their daycare.

“How is Erin?” he asked Teresa after dropping the children.

“Not sure if she’s better, considering she refused to say a word, drank a whole thermos of coffee, and locked herself in her room crying for most of the morning, but she went to the house to finish clearing it.”

“Crying? Why on earth? She should turn the page and allow us to start a new life.”

“Tell her that, please, Tim. My daughter should learn to stop being loyal to people who hurt her.” Count on Teresa to keep her two feet on the ground.

“I’m going there right away. Hopefully, by tomorrow, we’ll be able to get rid of all the stuff left there.”

At the small house, Tim found Erin in the kitchen heaving and lugging a heavy trash bag.

“Hi, how are you doing today?”

She shrugged.

Bummer, her reddish eyes and shadowed eyelids answered his question.

He pulled her into his arms, squeezing her against him. “I know firsthand, how hard it is to find out that the person we loved the most didn’t trust us and wasn’t worthy of our love. In three days, we’re turning the page. My morale has improved a hundred percent after I left the old house. I’ll never forget my late wife’s betrayal, but it’s as if I shoved the past in a trunk and locked it. On Monday, you’ll do the same.”

Tears flooded her eyes and rolled on her cheeks. “It’s not that easy.”

“Of course not. I went through that.” Actually, he went through much more—a cheating wife. Erin’s pain didn’t compare to his, but he tried to soothe her. “When the wound is fresh, it hurts like hell. I know you’re hurting, but I promise it’ll get easier. I’ll be at your side.”

He captured her mouth in a gentle kiss and slowly turned the heat on.

“If I ever lose you, Tim, I won’t be able to survive.”

“I feel the same way.” He caressed her neck and kissed the sensitive skin at the base of her ear. “Let’s finish with this house and its memories, and then we’ll concentrate on our relationship.”

Frustration simmering in her eyes, she just nodded.

“What’s in those bags?”

“His clothes,” she spat. “All of them. I’m taking them to Goodwill. I can’t stand the sight of them.”

“All right, I’ll load them in the back of your van and drive you.”