Page 65 of Family Plans

How would Tim react, if he found out the jerk was none other than Erin’s husband?

A war of emotions raged within her. Should she tell him? Could she keep secrets from him forever?

She cried for another hour and finally went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and a sleeping pill.

“Erin, what’s going on?” Teresa stepped into the kitchen. “Are you crying?”

“Oh Mom.” She fell against her mother, wrapping her arms around her.

“Did something happen between Tim and you?” her mother asked in a wobbly voice.

“No, Tim was wonderful as usual.”

Teresa released a sigh of relief. “Then the rest can be fixed. Come to my room and tell me the whole story. Either I’ll be able to help you, or you’ll find an answer after you evaluate the situation. And don’t take any pills for heaven’s sake. They won’t help. Get us a bottle of premixed Manhattans.” Her mother’s taste had greatly changed since she’d started dating Russell.

Erin brought the bottle and glasses and followed her mother to her room. They both lay on the bed, sipping their drinks, as Erin related the evening’s discoveries.

“I’m glad you took all the money to Russell. Now he has proof you’re 100% honest. As for Ben, I never approved of him. He let you drop out of school to pay for his degree. He wanted you to abort the twins, and he made you work day and night to support your family when your children needed you at home.”

“Mom, don’t start. You never liked him.”

“Regardless, we can’t undo the past. Now, you’d better cry it all out once and for all and then turn this page forever. And don’t lose Tim. He’s a keeper like my Russell.”

Erin rolled her eyes. She’d learned not to say a single negative word against Russell. “I’m worried about Tim’s reaction.”

“You can’t hide it from him. Show him the pictures and let him vent his anger.” Teresa guzzled the rest of her drink. “Wait until after the house closure. You’ll both need a clear head.”

“No, Mom. I’ll tell him tomorrow. I owe him the truth right away.”

Teresa hissed in frustration. “For heaven’s sake, girl, use your brain. If you insist on being such a goody-two-shoes, don’t cry later.”

Chapter Nineteen


“Where’s Erin?” Tim asked, after surveying the kitchen. The seven kids ate breakfast quietly under Teresa’s supervision, but the lady of the house was nowhere to be seen.

“She couldn’t sleep last night. She called in sick today,” Teresa answered as she helped the twins with their cereal.

“Is shereallysick?” Had the discovery of the safe and the money disturbed her so much?

“Notreallysick. She can’t lift her head, and she has the mother of all headaches.”

Tim raised his eyebrows. “Did she drink something last night?”

Teresa nodded. “And it’s not milk.” She snickered. “I found her crying in the kitchen, about to take a sleeping pill. Instead, we brought a bottle of Manhattan into my room and chatted.”

“Ah, good solution.” Tim chuckled. “So, she has a hangover. We’ll let her sleep. She’s entitled to a sick day.”

“Hurry up, kids.” Teresa called. “I’ll wait for the bus with you.”

After the older kids got on the school bus, Tim settled the three young ones in his car and drove them to daycare, then continued to Russell’s.

Pacing the driveway, the businessman waited for him and climbed in next to him.

“Good morning, Tim. I have to tell you I was delighted with Erin bringing the stack of money as soon as she found it.”

“She didn’t want to wait another minute to return what she said is rightfully yours.”