Page 63 of Family Plans

“There’s more stuff in there. A phone.”

Erin grabbed it and peered at it. “It’s Ben’s phone. I’m surprised he didn’t take it with him.”

“He probably had a new one.”

Upset at how little she knew about Ben’s latest activities, she gritted her teeth.

“Erin, keep it for David. He’s dying to have a phone and will be thrilled to get his dad’s.”

“We’ll see.”

“You’ll have to delete everything before giving it to him.”

She huffed, hardly able to contain her frustration. “Is there anything else in here?”

Tim directed the beam at the interior of the safe, gliding his hand on the bottom. “Here’s an envelope. Nothing else.”

He handed her the envelope, and scrambled up. “Who is it from and what does it say?”

She opened it and browsed through the typed letter. “It’s an agreement between a Latino company,Todas Las Partes, and Ben.”

“Probably the supplier,Todas Las Partes, which meansAll Parts.”

“It says that Ben already paid a deposit to manufacture the spare parts, and should pay the rest upon receipt.” She showed him the letter.

“Russell maybe interested in this letter. He told me he didn’t know where the parts came from.”

“I’m going to his house right away to give him the money.” The sight of these two stacks she knew nothing about nauseated her—a proof that her husband hadn’t trusted her, but she wouldn’t let sentiment cloud reason.

“Good idea. But one of the stacks belongs to you. Ben already delivered the parts. It all seems legal and clean.”

“I’m not part of Ben’s deals.” The air clogging her throat, she shoved the two stacks and the envelope into her handbag.

“I’ll take you there. You’d better clear up the situation. We don’t have much left to do for the garage sale. I’ll get the office janitor to help me move the heavy pieces downstairs tomorrow.”

As he started his car, Erin called Russell. “Hi, I’m on my way with Tim to show you something important I just discovered.”

“I’m home. I’ll be happy to see you.”

“He’s expecting us,” she said to Tim and leaned her head against the back of the seat, seething with frustration at Ben’s duplicity. After eleven years together as a loving married couple, he’d treated her as an unwanted burden, ignored her, and stopped sharing his life with her.

Deep in his own thoughts, Tim didn’t interrupt her musing. At Russell’s house, they rang the bell. A dignified butler opened and directed them to an office where Russell sat behind his desk. He stood and greeted Erin with a kiss on the cheek. From the moment he’d started dating her mother, he’d treated her like a dear stepdaughter.

“Have a seat and tell me what’s going on.”

She sat across from his desk with Tim at her side and spilled the whole story in one breath, and then slapped the two stacks of bills and the envelope on his desk.

“I recognize these.” He pointed to the bills. “What’s the letter about?”

“You can read it,” she spat.

He did and grinned. “That’s great news. I apologize for wrongly accusing your late husband. He was an honest man, a good businessman who did well. Death interfered with his work. Now first things first. This stack belongs to you and your children. I received the parts and paid for them.” Russell handed her the first stack. “Although it may be a bit late today, I’ll call the number ofTodas Las Partesand see how they can fulfill the delivery.”

He left a message. A few minutes later they called him back. He explained the situation and agreed to pick up the parts tomorrow and pay the remaining fees. “The factory is in Indiana, a two-hour drive. Would you mind coming with me, Tim?”

Always helpful, Tim nodded. “No problem. I’ll drive you.”

“Erin, as soon as we collect the merchandize, I’ll give you back the rest of your money.”