Page 44 of Family Plans

“Tim,” she started.

“I’ve missed you, Erin,” he interrupted, cradling her face and capturing her gaze. “Don’t shut me out of your life. From the moment I met you, I’ve done my best to help and support you and protect your children.”

She blinked, her eyes filling with tears.

“Don’t blame me for the mistakes of others.”

She bit her lip. “I don’t, but—”

He tightened his hold on her cheeks. “You threw me out of your house. You accused me of trying to hurt you. I’d never do that. I’m not your enemy, Erin. I’m the man who’s falling in love with you. I care for you.”

“Oh, Tim, I do, too. I was so miserable without you last week.”

“Then promise you’ll never doubt me again.”

“I won’t, but you accused Ben—”

“I never met Ben. I don’t know anything about him, except what you’ve confided. If you assure me that he’s never committed the felony Malcolm is accusing him of, then I’ll believe you. Before accepting Malcolm as a client, I warned him that I’d never do anything that might hurt you.”

“Thank you, Tim. I can assure you I never saw Ben saying or doing anything wrong.”

“Okay. I accept your word for it, and will never bring up the subject again.” He released her face and straightened, caressing her hair to soothe her. “I brought Malcolm here to meet you. As I’d expected, he’s impressed by your adorable children and thoroughly enjoyed your mother’s cooking.”

“I saw that.” She chuckled. “He ate like an ogre.”

“Trust me, he won’t bother you again. But…” He exhaled in frustration.

“But what?” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Can’t we call a truce?”

“No, we can’t continue like this, Erin.”

“Why not?” Her voice wobbled. “I thought we’d cleared the air?”

“For you. Not for me.”

“I don’t understand. What else is wrong?”

“I want you in my arms.”

He pulled her against him, pressed his lips against her cheek and neck, nibbled the sensitive skin on her throat, and then kissed her mouth like a starving man, backing her against the bed until she fell onto it. He followed her down, lying next to her, his hand covering and kneading her breast.

She snatched her mouth away. “Tim, please, we can’t now. There’s a house full of people downstairs.”

Exasperated, he huffed. “There’s always a crowd of people around you.”

“They’re my children, Tim.”

He inhaled and scrambled away sitting on the edge of the bed. She slid next to him and adjusted her blouse.

“I love your children, Erin. But I want you alone with me for…for only an hour.” He turned to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Tonight, I’ll return at seven and drive you to the hospital.”

“Why at seven? My shift starts at nine.”

“Exactly. We’ll stop by my house for some private time together.”

“Ah.” She opened big eyes and then blinked.

“Yes or no, Erin?”