Page 28 of Family Plans

Would he ever be able to forget Annette’s cheating and get a grip on his emotions?


After devoting his whole week to work during the day and Brianna’s care in the evening, Tim drove his daughter to the Perkins’s house on Friday evening where she would spend the weekend with her friends.

Back home, he turned off his phone, poured himself a scotch, and opened his laptop to study the files of the potential clients George had invited, specifically Russell. There was nothing shady or problematic in the businessman’s background, but Tim had a hunch the man needed him.

By eight o’clock, he warmed up the leftover baked pork and rice cooked with raisins and almonds, then decided to call Teresa and thank her for her delicious new recipe.

Erin answered her phone. “Hi Tim, Mom’s already in bed. Her phone was charging in the kitchen. So I answered. Do you have a message for her?” He couldn’t miss the brisk undertone in her voice.

“I just wanted to tell her the pork and rice dinner was a real treat.”

“Okay, I’ll convey the message.”

“Erin, wait. I’m coming for lunch on Sunday. Will you be there?”

“Yes, unless you prefer I weren’t.” Her voice dripped with controlled frustration.

“What? Of course not. I’m glad I’ll see you. Any news from your insurance?”

“Not yet. The last time I called they were still studying the case.”

“Stay after them.”

“I will. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Erin.”

How ironic. He’d avoided Erin in order not to upset her, and now she seemed ready to kick him out once and for all. It was time to visit the Perkins family again and salvage his friendship with the lovely widow.

The next morning, before driving over to Jessica’s, he picked up bagels, cheese, and coffee. She’d insisted he bring his suit for them to leave from her place to avoid wasting time. In a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, Jessica meant non-stop business and opened her laptop.

“Let’s review my three clients’ cases,” she decided, after biting into her bagel. “I prepared a list of questions to make sure we have all the answers.”

He snorted. “We’re not in high school getting ready for exams.”

“It’s my way of working. I like to be ready for all eventualities. Don’t you?”

“I prefer to be alert and focused when I’m with the client. No matter how well you prep, you never know what can pop up at the last minute.”

“Still, I’d rather do my homework and be in control. About Joe Stuart, Kevin Boggar, and Jack Carrington ...”

Ready and in control. That defined Jessica.

To please her, he followed her lead, snapped off questions, and analyzed her responses. They skipped lunch as he helped her deepen and polish her information about her prospective cases. By four o’clock, they called it quits.

“If these are my clients, what about yours, Tim?”

“I’ll go with Russell Malcolm, if he wants me.”

“But George mentioned the guy had no specific need for a lawyer.”

“Jessica, don’t worry about me. I’m not in desperate need of work.”

He was in desperate need of escaping her condo and relaxing in a small messy house where an attractive sweet woman valiantly struggled to survive a trauma and raise a big family.

“You’d better get dressed now if you don’t want us to be late for tonight’s dinner,” he suggested.