Page 26 of Family Plans

Especially after last night’s visit to Erin. He remembered his discreet peeks at her short nighty, and a rakish smile curved his lips. His sweet friend had nothing to envy Jessica … Lovely face framed by light golden silky hair, voluptuous chest due to her recent breastfeeding, flexible, sleek legs …

“All right, Tim.” Jessica’s throaty voice interrupted his dreamy picturing of Erin’s assets. “Come over. I’ll be ready by the time you arrive.”

Damn it, his brief blissful moment had ended too soon. Knowing Jessica and her lack of talent in the kitchen, he should provide food if he didn’t want to starve. “I’ll bring coffee and donuts.” Jessica never wasted her time on cooking when she could order take-out.

“Perfect. I can’t work with an empty stomach, especially after a lonely night.”

He ignored her insinuation. She’d said she would be readyby the time he arrived. Jessica knew how to act professionally when working.

When she opened her door, he almost flipped over at the sight of Jessica in a grey sports bra and leggings, both molding her body like a second skin, the low-cut bra revealing two healthy honeydew… His eyes crossed, and his jaw dropped.

“Jessica,” he barked, raising the box in his hands to protect his eyes from the offending but tempting view. “You said you’d be ready to… to work.”

“I am. You don’t expect me to wear a suit when working in my own condo?”

“For heaven’s sake, I came here to work, not to… to be distracted,” he said, blowing out a heavy breath.

She laughed, a husky chuckle that annoyed him. “Glad to know you can still appreciate a beautiful woman. Last night, after your silly shyness, I wondered if you’d become gay.”

“Seriously, Jessica? Didyoubecome gay when your husband left you?”

She shrugged. “I went to the opposite extreme, a sort of nymphomaniac, sleeping with every man who caught my eye to prove to myself that I could still attract a sexy hunk.”

Tim took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “People react differently to their trauma. Now, please, go change. I don’t want to make mistakes while I ogle your assets.”And remember Erin’s.

“Now you’re talking like a healthy male.” Her throaty laugh burst out in the room. “Give me five minutes.”

He rolled his eyes, but set the box of donuts on the table and sipped his coffee while opening his laptop.

“Will this do, counselor?”

He glanced at her long, green, printed skirt and moss-green, slightly transparent, silk blouse, and nodded. “As professional as can be.” Although, he had no trouble detecting the contour of her lacy bra.

“Let me taste the donuts.” She bit into a chocolate one. “Delicious.”

“Here’s what I found out.” He turned the screen toward her.

Interested, she browsed through the page. “Tim, this is really good.” She set the donut on a napkin and leaned in to study the information. “Amazing. I think we have a lot of work on our plate.”

“Not me. You, Jessica.”

At two o’clock, he ordered pizza, and at seven, he stood. “You’ll have to continue on your own. My daughter is waiting for her daddy to pick her up.”

“I understand. Go ahead, Tim. You’ve been incredibly helpful. I’ll work on the cases of Joe Stuart, Kevin Boggar, and Jack Carrington.”

“I’ll be in my office every day, but in the evenings, I have to take care of my daughter.”

“Thank you so much, Tim. You’re a real friend.”

He raised his eyebrows. With Jessica, thereal friendsituation depended on her mood. He would rather keep his distance. “Call if you need information.”

“In that case, I’ll expect you here again next Saturday. We’ll put the final touches on our report and email it to George before going to his dinner in the evening.”

Exasperated by her bossy tone and her insistence at monopolizing his time, he huffed and collected his laptop case. “Bye, Jessica.”

“You could at least let me thank you the proper way.”

Not giving him the time to utter a word, she threw her arms around his neck and molded her lips to his mouth, her tongue sliding to play with his tongue, teasing and stirring his senses. He found himself responding, deepening the kiss, enjoying the texture of her lips and the friction of her nipples against his chest. Lust for the sake of lust.