Page 23 of Family Plans

“Feeling better?” Her guttural voice tickled his senses.

“Much bet … What the hell?”

His jaw sagged as Jessica glided toward him, barefoot in an off-white silk pajama with a short top hanging by thin straps baring her shoulders and part of her chest.

Horror filled him as he recalled similar pjs he’d discovered in Annette’s drawers.

Jessica stopped short a few feet away, frowning. “I’m sorry. I never thought…” Her face a mask of confusion, she murmured, “Oh Tim, I never thought I’d bring back sweet but painful memories. Seeing your shock, I presume your wife wore something similar for you.”

His teeth clenched, he glared at her, and then immediately averted his eyes, afraid he would shake her the way he’d wanted to shake his cheating wife. Jessica might be a great lawyer, but her wrong assumptions grated on his nerves.

“I’m sorry, Tim. I messed up.” Her head lowered in an abject pose. “You can leave if you want. I’m going to bed. I don’t know how to help anymore.”

He felt badly. She’d gone out of her way to cheer him up, and he’d acted like a jerk.

“Jessica, wait. My wife never wore such…pretty things for me.” He wasn’t good enough for Annette. Damn it. She’d worn them for her lover.

In two steps, Tim approached Jessica, cupping her naked shoulders in a gentle grip. “I’m flattered and grateful you went out of your way to cheer me up.”

He lowered his mouth brushing her soft skin with a warm kiss, then held her at arm’s length, keeping temptation away from him.

“Jessica, I’m going through a rollercoaster of emotions. We work together, and I value your companionship. Seriously, I don’t want to hurt you. I may enjoy a one-nighter and disappear. I’m not capable of any lasting relationship at this point in my life.”

A one-sided smile curled her lips. “You’re such an attractive man, Tim, but a naïve one. Who said I’m looking for a lasting relationship? You may have gone through the trauma of losing your wife to death. I lost my husband to his trashy intern, which I think is much worse. At least, you had the luxury of grieving and crying with love. I grieved and cried with hatred.”

Studying her face, he nodded. He knew both types of grieving, with love and with hatred. “I understand,” he whispered, not eager to betray his secrets.

“When I recovered, I blocked all emotions forever and decided to live in the moment. I take pleasure and passion wherever I find them, and turn the page when the fun fades.”

Admiration and pity filled his heart for this strong, honest woman, but not a hint of attraction. “Jessica, you’re the most beautiful, intelligent woman I’ve ever met. But I’m not ready yet for any type of relationship, not even a one-night stand.” He gently caressed her cheek to lighten the rejection, then dropped his hand and collected his jacket and tie. “I’d better go. Thanks for putting up with my lousy mood.”

“No problem.” She stepped back and studied him coldly. “Can I count on you to work with me tomorrow and sometime during the week? I need more clients and more income. I have a son in college.”

“Sure. I’ll work with you.” He might as well help Jessica since he’d carefully avoided Erin to protect her from his bad mood.

“Thanks. I’ll expect you here tomorrow, at ten am, or whenever you awake. We’ll work as long as we can.”

He nodded, without enthusiasm. “Okay. I’ll be back to work.”

Work, work, work.… What else did he have to look forward to in his life?

Chapter Eight

Tim’s phone chimed. Erin’s picture popping up on the screen had him practically jumping out of his skin. “Erin, what’s wrong? The kids, Brianna…”

“Everyone’s alright. Were you asleep?” Erin’s soft voice ventured across the line.

“No, but aren’t you at work?” Tim couldn’t suppress his shock. Why on earth was she calling?

“My evening shift ended at nine. Everyone is asleep here. I … I thought I’d check on you. Mom said you looked sick when you stopped by the other day.”

“Huh… No, no, I’m not sick. Just busy, extremely busy.” Actually, just bored out of his mind.

“Tell me about it. I don’t stop working. I understand. Sometimes it reaches the point where we feel about to give up, but of course we can’t, right?” Her words touched a soft cord. Erin was exhausted, working non-stop but unable to slow down.

Concerned about her well-being, he pondered how to help her. “Have you heard from the insurance company?”

“I called them yesterday. They said they’ll have an answer for me next week.”