Page 18 of Family Plans

Relieved, he thumbed,No problem. I’ll bring her some clothes.

He drove to the thrift store and handed them the bags of clothing.

When he returned home, he considered the framed pictures displaying his pretty wife. He couldn’t stand to look at her, but Brianna needed to see her mother’s face. He left the frame with their family pictures, the one where Brianna was a baby, the one where she was an adorable three-year-old, a miniature of her mother, and the most recent one taken at Disneyworld, two months before the crash. He removed the picture portraying a smiling Annette and set it on the chest of drawers in Brianna’s room.

While in there, he collected enough clothes for a couple of days with her friends and stuffed them in a bag with her favorite blanket and pillow.

To further purge his room from the memory of his cheating wife, he called a charity and asked them to come as soon as possible to collect abedroom set in excellent condition. They arrived two hours later and removed the furniture, placing it in their truck.

Free from Annette’s ghost, at least in his own mind, he drove to his office at theAt Law Firmand locked himself to study a difficult case, a perfect sedative for his headache.

Three hours later, he headed to the cafeteria, paid for an unappetizing sandwich and a black coffee, and settled at a remote table to continue working on his tablet.

As he sighed in relief, his case partially solved, a shadow fell across his screen.

“Hi, Tim. May I?” Not waiting for an answer, Jessica Loren set her salad bowl and soft drink on his table and dropped into the chair next to him.

Swallowing a curse and a huff, he nodded. “Hi Jessica.”

“Working hard, I see. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you. I’m good.” In his gloomy state of mind, he would prefer she got lost and left him alone to work.

“Actually, I’m the one who needs help.”

Without any questions, he relaxed against the back of his chair, his arms crossed over his chest.

“It’s about the upcoming ball.” She giggled softly.

He kept his face blank.

“You know, the banquet for our clients. I assume you’re going. I’m going, too.”

“Actually, I’m not going.” Even if he’d talked about the ball with Erin, things had changed, and he was in no mood to socialize. His frown should explain his reasons better than words.

Jessica tilted her head to the left. “Everyone is aware of your circumstances, Tim. Everyone knows you’re still grieving, but this isn’t a joyful New Year’s Eve party. It’s an occasion to get to know our clients better. A business meeting in formal attire. I heard our CEO is sending a memo stressing the importance of every lawyer’s presence.”

Damn it. She had a point, but the last thing he needed was a get-your-act-together rebuke from his colleague.

“I’ll think about it.”

“Good. The banquet is next Saturday at six pm. As I said, I’m going, but I don’t fancy myself driving alone at night, in a low-cut dress and high-heels. If you’re going, may I count on you to pick me up?” She offered him an enticing smile.

Count on Jessica to be direct. “All right, if I go—”

“Thanks. I’ll be ready at five-thirty, waiting for you in my building’s lobby. No need to park. Just honk. I’ll come out.”

He burst out laughing. “Yes, ma’am. Five-thirty sharp for the business meeting. Don’t be disappointed if I’m not in a laughing mood.”

“I understand, Tim. We all go through terrible times in our lives.”

Jessica’s husband had abandoned her with a ten-year-old son to marry his pregnant intern. Not expecting pity or help, she’d managed to achieve a successful career as a criminal lawyer and raised a well-rounded son, now in college.

Chuckling, she wagged a finger under his nose. “And Tim, remember to get your tux out of its moth-proof bag.”

“Thanks for the reminder.” He shot her a twisted smile. “I’ll be honored to escort you, Jessica. Now, if you’ll excuse-me, duty calls.”

Attending the banquet with Jessica seemed like a perfect solution. With her, he knew exactly what to expect. They’d worked together and appreciated each other’s strengths. An interesting woman, poised and tough, she didn’t play games.