Page 12 of Family Plans

It was the first time in his life he’d admitted the truth nagging at his heart—admitted it not only to himself but to a friend. He raised his head, peering at Erin, surprised he’d trusted her with a deep secret.

“I don’t think there’s any household where everything is perfect. Not yours, not mine, not anyone’s.”

“Yet you paint him in bright colors.”

“He was my husband. I loved him and chose to ignore his flaws to live as happily as I could.”

He covered her hand with his. “You were a wonderful wife, Erin. Ben was lucky to have you.”

Tilting her head in a charming way, she chuckled. “I can assure you that Annette must have appreciated her wonderful husband. My kids adore you, and Mom sings your praises all day long.”

He narrowed his eyes. “How about you, Erin? Would you go out with me if I dared to ask you out?”

With a smile lingering on her luscious lips, she shook her head. “I’m not ready yet. You’re not ready either. You’re just trying to help me in a different way.”

“Then I won’t ask you out.” He burst out laughing. “I’ll wait a few more months.”

“Much better.” She finished her salad. “That was delicious. Thank you.”

A text from David’s friend’s mother announced they were getting ready to leave.

Coming, she texted back.


Teresa kept sending Tim her ingredients list on Sunday nights. He delivered them, along with a few more, such as roasts, steaks, cheese, and cakes, each Monday morning. Both Teresa and Erin had stopped arguing with him about money. Teresa tried out new recipes, and Erin allowed him to play with the twins who adored him.

“We count on you for Easter dinner,” Teresa insisted the week before the holiday.

“I won’t miss it. But…” His head tilting, he hesitated, and then added firmly, “Don’t worry about the whole dinner. Do me a favor and take the day off. Pamper yourself. I’ll order the entire meal from the restaurant near my house. The owner knows me well.”

“But, Erin won’t—”

“Don’t say a word to Erin. She can be a real pain about these things.”

Teresa burst out laughing. “I couldn’t agree more. You’re a good man, Tim Kent.”

“Thank you, dear Teresa.” He bent and kissed her cheek.

Why would such a lovable woman resent her son-in-law?

Chapter Four


Easter morning, Erin received firm instructions from her mother.

“Just get dressed nicely. Don’t ask too many questions. And stay out of my kitchen. I don’t want a single person, adult or child, in my kitchen. Am I clear enough?”

“Crystal clear. Why are you in such a rotten mood on Easter Sunday? I was just asking—”

“Don’t ask anything. Go to your room and wear a dress and high heels.”


“You heard me. I plan to do it. Just once this year, let’s try to be presentable.”

“Mom, what’s the matter with you?”