Page 48 of Family Plans

He fell backward, pulling her on top of him, the hardness of his erection poking at her belly. As he eased her over his length, a sharp powerful bolt of desire stabbed through her, settling between her legs.

“Sweet babe, we’d better move upstairs onto a more comfortable bed.”

She shoved her discarded bra inside her pants’ pocket and threw her top over her shoulders to shield her nudity, then turned to him. “If I’m going up the stairs topless, the least you can do is remove your shirt.”

“Right away.” Laughing, he yanked his short-sleeve polo shirt over his head and hung it over his shoulder. “Does this suit you better?”

“Much better.”

“This way.”

She followed him up the stairs, curious to see his bedroom.

On the second landing, they passed a closed door, then Tim waved to a room. “This is where I sleep.”

At the door she stopped short. “You don’t have a master bedroom?” Stunned, she swiftly surveyed the small room, furnished with a bed, two night tables and a rudimentary dresser.

He lost his smile. “I’ve been sleeping here since the plane crash. It’s closer to Brianna’s room. Besides, I like my cozy accommodations,” he added in a lighter tone.

Despite the brave front he always displayed, he must have deeply suffered after losing his cherished wife. Erin’s heart melted for him. Tim, who presented a calm and composed attitude, hid a softie inside.

As soon as she stepped inside the small room, she threw her arms around his neck. The thrill of their chests’ contact, hard muscled against soft flesh, took her breath away. She skimmed her hands over his shoulders and trailed her lips along his throat. Her breasts tickled by the coarse hairs of his chest, she could feel his heart thudding as quickly as hers.


Touched by her trusting pose, Tim drew her tighter into his arms, letting their shirts slide to the floor, reveling in the feel of their naked chests against each other. With a finger, he lifted her chin and captured her mouth. He took his time, a lazy, relaxing kiss, exploring her tongue and lips with his until she exhaled and collapsed against his chest with a soft sigh. He nibbled his way to her ear, the scent of her skin teasing him.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment, fantasizing about you every night.” He dragged her scrub pants and panties down in one move, and then unzipped his pants and pulled them down with his underwear. “Did you ever—”

“Not precisely. But I often thought it’d be nice to snuggle against you, sleep in your arms, and wake up next to you.”

Her simple honest words hammered his heart with longing. “Sweetheart, that’s a fantasy we can easily fulfill.”

He lowered her to the bed and stretched out next to her. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he devoured her mouth with a blazing kiss, and trailed moist kisses along her throat. She tipped up her head to the other side, giving him better access to her neck. He burned a path down her throat to her breast and sucked on the hardened nipple, caressing and playing with the other one.

She reached down, grasped his erection, and stroked until he let out a growl, moving her fingers away. His hand skated over her stomach, reached between her thighs, and parted her delicate skin. His fingertip grazed her moist flesh as he eased it into her.

A moan escaped her, and she raked her fingers through his hair, twisting her hips, rocking against him. She was hot, wet, and ready for him.

Still laving her breast with scorching kisses, he reached into his night table drawer for a small foil pack and protected himself. His heart drummed against his ribs, the blood roared in his ears, and his voice cracked as he admitted his feelings. “I’m dying to make love to you.”

Gathering her against him, he rolled on top of her, slid inside her, and plunged deep. She gasped and grabbed his shoulders, clawing his skin. He thrust deeper. She locked her legs around him, rocked with him, and matched his rhythm. Her moans mingled with his groans as he drove into her with increased frenzy. He stiffened, shuddered, and squeezed her tighter.

She quaked and whispered his name, and they exploded in perfect ecstasy.

“I love you, babe,” he whispered as her body trembled with more aftershocks.

“I love you, too, Tim.” She didn’t move, her breath warming his neck. “It’d be nice to stay like this forever.” Her legs, crossed behind his back, kept him a willing prisoner above her.

“You could—for another hour.”

“I wish.” She sighed. “But I can’t.” She unclasped her ankles, freeing him, and he rolled onto his side.

Sliding an arm under her head, he brought her against him. “Try to sleep. I’ll awake you in time.”

“Snuggled in your arms. Just like in my fantasy.” She set her head on his chest and drifted off, his arms embracing her securely.

He knew without the slightest doubt that he would love to spend his life with her, holding her while she slept, and waking up with her in his arms. Sex had been good, although he’d proceeded slowly, afraid to scare her with his scorching passion. It was their first time together. The first of many to come, he promised himself.