Page 37 of Family Plans

“It’s ready sir, but there’s a problem.”

“What problem?”

“Someone claimed that Ben owes his company a big sum, so I’m not sure if I should deliver the money to this woman or to—”

“You have no right to give our life insurance to someone else, and let my children die of hunger.”

“She’s right. The life insurance money belongs to her. Since when do you allow strangers to interfere in private situations?”

“I… I wasn’t…sure,” Gary stammered, convincing her he was hiding something.

“Why didn’t you report the situation to me?”

“I… I was about to—”

“It’s been three months. When were you going to pay me? Do I have to give up my babies?”

Her shouting had scared the children. The twins screamed at the top of her their lungs.

Becky started crying. “No, Mommy, no. Don’t give me away. Don’t let them take me,” she sobbed. “I’m scared. They’re mean.”

Her own tears rolled down her cheeks, but she lifted Becky into her arms and gave each of her sons a bottle of juice. “Quiet, babies. Everything will be fine. We have to be strong.” She offered the children a smile. “Big smile for Mommy.” The twins giggled, and Becky tried a weak chuckle.

“They’re so cute,” an old lady said, and several employees repeated her words.

“Follow me, Mrs. Perkins,” the grayish man said. “You too, Gary, but first get me her file, and be back in my office instantly.”

“Yes, sir.”

With Becky still hanging onto her neck, she pushed the double stroller behind the man who seemed to be a manager. “Have a seat, Mrs. Perkins. Do you have any ID?”

“Yes, sir.” She set Becky on the floor and showed him her driver’s license, her nurse card, and a picture of the family taken right after the twins’ birth, and then she dropped into a chair and Becky climbed onto her lap.

“Good. Thank you. By the way, I’m Herb Callahan,Global Items’CFO.”

When Gary returned, Mr. Callahan browsed through the folder, then wrote something.

“Mrs. Perkins, no one can take away your husband’s life insurance, but you, his heir. Here’s a check for the whole amount. I hope it’ll help you take care of your family.”

She glanced at the check, and her eyes rounded. “Thank you, sir. Thank you so much.”

“Do you want us to invest it in the employees’ credit union?”

“No, thank you. I’m going straight to my bank. Have a good day, sir.” She stuffed the precious check into the inner pocket of her purse, zippered it, and then zippered the whole purse, strapping it around her neck. “Come Becky.” She carried the little girl against her and pushed the stroller.

From the doorway, she heard Gary speaking, “It’s not my fault. Mr. Malcolm said his lawyer, Tim Kent, was going to collect it for him.”

Tim Kent?Her friend Tim was going to take her life insurance? No way.

In the parking lot, she settled the children in their car seats, sat behind the steering wheel, and texted Tim.

I got the check. On my way to Trust Bank. Can you meet me there, please? It’s important.

Why had Gary mentioned Tim’s name?

Chapter Twelve

In the bank’s parking lot, Erin settled her toddlers into their strollers and picked up Becky. She walked inside and asked for the manager.