Page 32 of Family Plans

She gave him the name of the street.

“I’ll be with you in five minutes.”

“But what about Brianna?”

“She’s asleep. I’ve asked my neighbor, Mrs. Carmen, to stay with her until I’m back. She’s a nice old lady who often babysits Brianna when I work late.”

“Thank you, Tim.” Tears filled her eyes. “I don’t know how I’ll ever thank you.”

“Shh … Try to doze for a few minutes.”

In fact, a moment later, his high beams made her blink.


Tim yanked her door open and helped her out.

Erin threw her arms around his neck, tears rolling down her cheeks. “You’re my savior. What would I do without you, Tim?” she sobbed.

“Calm down.” He’d never seen her lose her cool. He rubbed her back and shoulders to soothe her. “Things will improve. They’re already improving.”

“No, they’re not. It’s one problem after another. You solve them one at a time, but without you …” Pressed against him, she hiccupped unable to continue.

His palms stroked her neck, then cupped her face. “Look at me, Erin. Life is not easy. Three weeks ago, I heard bad news about…”

He inhaled deeply, unable to say more. In the past weeks, he’d been to hell and back.

“Forget it. I was… I was devastated, but I bounced back because I knew I could count on you, on your family, your beautiful children, and your wonderful mother. Erin, I’ll never abandon you. I owe you more than you could ever imagine.” He captured her gaze and brushed her mouth with his lips.

“Kiss me, Tim. Kiss me, please,” she whispered.

His mouth a kiss away, he sobered. He might flirt or kiss any woman to make up for the past, to chill out his overheated body, or relax a hard-on, but now he drew the line at using his cherished friend.

“I’m not Ben, Erin. Look at me. I can’t be a sub for your late husband.”

“I know, Tim. The truth is…” Sobbing, she dropped her head against his chest. “Ben hadn’t touched me since…since I was big…pregnant with the twins. He didn’t want…more kids. It wasn’t my fault…”

“Oh no.”

She too had suffered. Her supposedly loving husband was not the saintly man she’d let him imagine. He lifted her head from his chest. “You deserved to be held and kissed. And I’m dying to kiss you, Erin.”

He covered her humid cheeks with kisses and molded his mouth to hers. She melted against him and laced her fingers behind his nape. Unleashing his passion, he parted her lips and invaded her mouth, his tongue tasting, licking, teasing, his teeth gently nibbling her lips. He released her mouth and trailed kisses all over her face and throat. A car passed and startled him back to reality.

“I’d better drive you to the hospital.” He took her hand and led her to his car. “I’ll call a mechanic to tow away both cars and have them checked. Call me when you finish your shift. I’ll drive you home.”

“No, I finish at six a.m. Too early. You and Brianna will be asleep. I’ll take a cab.”

She glanced at her watch.

“Don’t worry.” He gently caressed her cheek. “You’ll be on time. I know a few shortcuts.”

“I never worry when you’re next to me, Tim.”

Her words blanketed his heart in delight. Was there hope for them?

Chapter Eleven

Tim’s day whizzed by too quickly. After dropping Brianna at school, he stopped by the mechanic, discussed the repairs needed for both cars, received an estimate, and agreed on the work to be completed. “Send me the bill when you’re done.”