Page 13 of Family Plans

“Out. Out. Out.” Teresa shooed her out of the kitchen, all the way to the stairs. “The kids are upstairs getting dressed, and I’m on my way.”

Teresa pushed her up the stairs, following close behind her.

“All right. I think you’ve been working too hard.”

In the room she shared with the twins, Erin slumped on the edge of the bed. The twins giggled, each shaking his crib. They were getting too big for these baby cribs and had learned to climb out.

“Mamma,” they squealed.

She closed the door. “Don’t you dare get out of bed.”

They giggled and threw their chubby legs over the rail, determined to show her they could do anything.

“No.” She wagged her finger under each nose, rewarded by peals of laughter. They were so cute. She couldn’t stop herself from laughing.

The doorbell chimed. Tim and Brianna had arrived. She couldn’t waste another minute. Soon, a stampede ensued down the stairs, with the kids running to greet their guests. Erin took her time dressing her babies in their latest one-piece jumpsuits and set them back in their cribs, doing her best to ignore their loud protests.

“It’s Mommy’s turn to get dressed. Be patient. Five more minutes.” She slipped on a long brown skirt that wouldn’t have fit two years ago and added a beige silk blouse. “Now the high heel pumps from six years ago. I’ve never dressed so quickly, two minutes, a record.” She brushed her hair, leaving it loose to flow down her back, applied liner and mascara, and rubbed scented lotion on her neck, in lieu of perfume. “One minute left to run downstairs.”

She strapped the twin carrier around her back and waist and settled her babies. “This way you won’t give me a hard time while going down the stairs in heels.”

“Happy Easter,” she called from mid-stairs.

Tim’s jaw sagged, his eyes widening. “Oh God, a picture to behold. Don’t move, please.” He snapped several pictures, then walked up and held out a hand to help her down the remaining steps.

“You look gorgeous, amazing with the babies in your arms.” He bent and kissed her cheek.

Her heart swelled with pride. If only Ben could have said that just once.

“We’ll have an early dinner so that the kids can go out and play,” Teresa instructed.

“And I can go to work,” Erin added.

“Seriously?” He impaled her with a steady gaze. “You’re working tonight? On Easter?”

She threw up her hands. “Do people stop getting sick or injured on Easter?”

Good Lord, this man was too handsome for her weak heart. She was supposed to mourn her late husband, not ogle a gorgeous lawyer oozing sex-appeal in his navy suit, white shirt, and yellow tie, his hazel eyes radiating charm and warmth.

“All right, we won’t waste time discussing the matter.” He pulled Ethan out of his trap and buckled him into his high chair and then grabbed Nathan. “You can sit here.”

“I’ll help Mom—”

“No one’s allowed in the kitchen,” Teresa bellowed. “We all settle down and say Grace today.”

“Okay. Good idea.” Erin nodded and answeredamento her mother’s few words.

“Mommy, did you see my dress?” Debbie stood and pirouetted.

“It’s lovely, sweetie.”

“And me, Mommy?” Becky imitated her sister.

“You, too, sweetie pie, you’re so pretty.”

“What about me, Mom?” Rachelle held the side of her dress and curtsied.

“The fairest of them all, my big girl.” Erin opened her arms to hug Rachelle.