Page 93 of A New Dawn

I ought to… for his sake and mine.

Anyhow, today is the start day of Freemont’s three-day mandatory wilderness survival camp.

It’s being held in some remote forest location outside of Atlanta. Naturally, Aiden offered me a lift, but as he had to be there hours before everybody else to help set up and make sure everything was in order, it was easy to decline.

I’m traveling with another new Freemont employee, Ramona, a lady in her forties who started working in accounts. She’s as unimpressed about having to attend this camp as I am. We’re not about to go into the field, so why do admin or even canine staff have to endure this? But rules are rules.

By the time we arrive at the campsite an hour later, I’m sure I know Ramona’s entire life story. She’s a talker, hardly taking a breath. That suited me fine, because she hardly asked me any questions, and when she did, it was easy to steer her attention back to her.

Ramona parks the car, and we get out our bags. Rounding the corner of a barn, I see a small group of people have already gathered.

In front of them, Aiden stands tall, proud, and with his legs wide, watching everyone with astute eyes.

My feet stop moving.

Good lord. I’m not sure I’m going to survive this camp.

Aiden is wearing a tight, army-green singlet that stretches over his rippled torso. The material showcases every single ab.

I’m so fucked!

Why isn’t the man wearing more clothes? It’s fricking October! Admittedly, it’s a sunny day and relatively warm, but a singlet? Come on.

He must want to torture me… and every breathing female in the vicinity.

Saliva pools in my mouth. Images of ripping this annoying singlet right down the middle flit into my mind… of licking my way through the hills and valleys of his washboard abdomen until I reach his perfect manhood. At least in my mind it’s perfect. How could it not be when all of him is so drool worthy?

Said appendage is hidden away in green camouflage army pants and I stare a moment too long, praying for x-ray vision, but I’m denied. So I reluctantly lift my gaze.

A dark-green cap and big black boots finish this mouth-watering outfit. Yes, I’m a puddle of drool!

I give myself a mental slap and will my feet to move again, joining the group. Aiden only acknowledges me with a curt nod, his trademark cheeky smile missing today. He actually looks really stern and even a little mean.

Why is this doing things to my libido?

He appears so different from the man I know. This must be his work mode, and I can’t wait to see him in action.

Aiden mentioned these basic wilderness camps are run every three months for new employees. There are twenty-five people, including myself, assembled now. Is Freemont growing that much? For an established company that seems like a lot of admin staff.

Are they all admin, though? As I study my fellow sufferers, some seem too chiseled to have office jobs.

My thoughts are interrupted when Aiden clears his throat at precisely nine o’clock.

“Welcome everyone to this basic wilderness survival camp. I’m Aiden Burg, head of Freemont’s Training division.” His voice rings loud and clear, and holy shit, I think it’s even deeper, full of authority and power. My eyes go wide as saucers, and I have to bite my lips to stop myself from moaning. Good lord!

“While most of you are unlikely to ever need this training, we believe that everyone should have it. Given the nature of our business, we see it as our duty to equip each and every one in our care with basic survival skills. Having these survival skills will give you the ability to help yourselves and others. They might save you if you ever get stranded on a hike or your car breaks down in a remote location. There are many day-to-day scenarios that may benefit from the skills you’ll be learning over the next three days.”

The way Aiden stands and speaks reminds me of a drill sergeant. You wouldn’t want to mess with him, but I’m so tempted to do exactly that… ruffle his feathers a bit. But I resist. I’d come out the loser in that scenario… maybe one day in private, I’ll challenge him. Now that’s a delicious thought… and totally inappropriate.There won’t be private moments, I remind myself.

“Now, over the next two days, you’ll be learning basic skills such as wilderness first aid, building a shelter, getting a fire started, and building a portable food and water kit, as well as map reading and orientation. You will learn how to use various tools to help you survive in the wild. These are the ax, hunting knife, canoe paddle, hatchet, and a wet cell battery.At the end of day two, you will take what you have learned and go out into the wilderness overnight… alone.”

A few gasps can be heard, but I groan inwardly, letting my head fall back, staring at the sky.

Crap, I hate the idea of being out in the wilderness all by myself. I take in a deep breath and turn my attention back to Aiden. He’s been watching me, and, if I’m not mistaken, he’s suppressing an evil little smile. I answer by shooting daggers at him, making his smirk grow.

“I’m hopeful that this will give you all a taste for more.” I sincerely doubt that.

“We also offer additional and more advanced camps that include teaching you skills such as animal tracking, hunting, rock climbing, canoeing, paragliding, mountaineering, and caving… the list goes on and on.”