Page 82 of A New Dawn

What made me chose the triquetra? And why is it over my heart?

Both answers are easy. There was never any other design, nor was there a more appropriate spot. Yet the background to it all is long and complicated… how much should I tell her?

I want her to know me… all of me.

The good and the ugly.

Rubbing my chin, I ponder where to begin.

“The triquetra… are you familiar with its meaning?” I ask.

“The power of three,” she replies. “It’s fairly well known these days. Plus, my father liked Celtic symbols, especially that one. I grew up seeing it a lot.”

“It was the same for me. I seemed to be surrounded by it when I was little. I told you that Ethan, Axel, and I grew up together. Our fathers were in the same Green Berets unit so our mothers bonded over that and our families spent a lot of time together, especially when our dads were away. The three of us were thick as thieves. One day, we watched television and an ad for another show came on… something about three witches who were sisters and the triquetra was prominent…” The memory is still fresh in my mind. It’s hard to believe that was over twenty-three years ago. “Anyway, all three of us thought it would be the perfect symbol for our friendship. We would draw it on our forearms because our mothers wouldn’t let us get a tattoo.”

“How old were you?” Ella asks.

“About eight, I think.”

Ella laughs. “Yeah, I see why your mom wouldn’t agree.” She takes a sip of her water and adds, “You really have known the guys for a very long time.”

“Since birth. I’m the oldest by a few months. Axel and Ethan have always been there. I couldn’t imagine my life without them.” That’s why it threw me off the rails when I nearly lost them. We’re so intricately bonded; they’re a part of me.

“So the triquetra was your friendship symbol?”

I nod. “Still is.”

“Do the others have it tattooed as well?”

“They do… nowadays it’s alongside the one they picked for their partners.”

That makes her grin. “Wise men. What are those tattoos… or is that too private?”

“Ha. No. They’re quite proud of them, as they should be. Axel has a dove, and Ethan has Trina’s name tattooed in ivy leaves across his chest.”

“Aww, that sounds romantic. What do the ivy leaves represent? Do you know?”

“Do I know? Come on. Haven’t you learned yet I’m the king of random facts?”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Well,” she says, raising an eyebrow.

“Ivy symbolizes foreverness, commitment, and loyalty.” Ella’s face softens as I list these qualities… she likes it—a lot.

Her hand goes to her chest. “Aww. That is truly beautiful!”

I know in this instant that her name will be tattooed across my body… perhaps in a Celtic knot design… she seems to like those. But let’s not jump the gun. I have to make her mine first, and she’s not ready for that yet.

“Back to the triquetra, though.” Ella tries to steer us back on track. “You said it was your friendship symbol. When did you actually get the tattoo?”

“Not until a few years ago,” I reply. That day in the tattoo parlor with Axel and Ethan is burned into my memory. It was the day we officially handed in our resignations. Physically, we had healed as much as we could, but emotionally, mentally… we were raw and hurting.

“When I turned sixteen, my mom relented and allowed me to get a tattoo, but by that stage, Ethan didn’t want to anymore. He was worried it would offend Garrett. Even though they weren’t very close growing up, the whole twin thing was still strong between them. So we agreed we all would get the tattoo together or not at all.”

Ella’s body is turned toward me as she listens intently. I would love nothing more than to reach over and tuck her against me and have her close as I let her into my world. I don’t tell many people these things, but with her… it’s almost a need.

“What made Ethan change his mind?” she asks softly.

That’s the hard bit. Even though I’ve worked on it for years, dealing with what happened, accepting and forgiving… it’s an ongoing process. Unless I stay vigilant, the darkness consumes the light.