Page 7 of A New Dawn

She looks confused, as if not recognizing the name. Of course I know it’s not her real name, or I wouldn’t have her new passport in my pocket. Gary had it couriered here, and I was handed it along with a duffel bag when I arrived.

Gary hasn’t told me anything about Riley, other than that she needed a lift to Atlanta and would be working for us from now on.

“Yes, that’s me,” she eventually replies, holding out her hand.

I take it in mine, and the moment we touch I’m electrified. I tingle everywhere and my heart gallops away in my chest. But I don’t pull away… all I want to do is touch her some more.

“Aiden Burg,” I introduce myself. “I’m here to take you to Atlanta.”

She shivers as she shakes my hand with a firm grip. It makes me happy she feels it too.

“I’m sorry for running off like that,” she says in a voice that’s trying to hide her anxiety.

“What had you so spooked?” I ask, my eyes riveted on her. I don’t want to miss any reaction that might give me a clue as to what’s going on.

She shakes her head. “Nothing.” But she can’t meet my eyes and stares off to the side instead.

What is she not telling me? But I don’t press her. She’s clearly not willing to share what’s troubling her.

“I thought I was meant to meet a woman here. A Marni Rodriguez?” she says, her eyes flickering up to me, her unease clear as day.

Is she just surprised her pickup arrangements have changed? Clearly Gary didn’t tell her. But why would that put her on edge?

“Marni was held up with work. Gary Freemont sent me instead. I was closer anyway.”

She lets out a breath and looks relieved. Who did she expect me to be? I have to get to the bottom this.

“If you’re finished with your tea, let’s go. A helicopter is waiting for us,” I say gently.

“Where are we going?” she asks, still trying to mask her nervousness.

“To the airport. The company jet is waiting there. The flight to Atlanta should be about three and a half hours.”

She looks at me for a long moment, suspicion written all over her beautiful face. She swallows hard, clearly coming to a decision.

“I’d like to talk to Gary to confirm these new arrangements. He sent a message that a Marni Rodriguez would pick me up. I’m not leaving here with you until I know this is what he had planned.”

Whoa. Do I appear that untrustworthy? What has she been through to make her so cautious? I’m actually pleased she’s voicing her concern and taking action rather than blindly following me and hoping for the best.

“Fair enough.” I pull my phone from my pocket and find Gary’s number in my recent call history. Showing her his name on the display, I hit dial and hand her the phone.

She takes it, our fingers briefly brushing against each other. This small contact is enough to send a jolt of awareness of her through my entire body.

And it must be the same for her, because she shivers and immediately withdraws her hand.

She steps outside onto the terrace to talk with Gary. Even though I only see her back, I can’t take my eyes off her. The butterflies in my stomach dance. I still can’t believe they’re there in the first place.

What is it about this girl that has me so captivated?

When Riley comes back inside, she looks more composed, though tension is still oozing from her in spades.

“Are we good to go?” I ask her.

Not meeting my eyes, she nods and picks up her bag.

Look at me, sweetheart. I want to read in your eyes what’s going on. Why are you so scared?

But she hides away; her walls are up and reinforced. I get she has no reason to trust me, but I want her to. For some unknown reason, I really, really want her to.