Page 78 of A New Dawn

“No idea. But I do know they should brew more of it.”

“Hey Axel,” Gary calls over to the next table. “Your new witbier… what’s it called?”

Aiden’s mate turns his wheelchair and moves over. “Ah, you like it, Helen? I thought this would be right up your alley.”

Helen salutes him, beer in hand. “Best one I’ve tasted in a while. You’re on a winner with this one.”

“We are. It won a gold medal in the Great American Beer Festival contest last week. It’s calledDove’s White.It’s not the greatest name, but none of us could come up with a better one.”

“Someone enlighten me what witbier is,” I say, not having heard of it before.

“It’s a white beer,” Axel explains. “It dates back to the eighteenth century and is native to the farming regions of eastern France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. It’s a wheat-heavy ale with roughly fifty percent of the grist being unmalted wheat. Depending on what you add, it can sometimes have a sweetish flavor. Ours has a significant citrus-and-spice character.”

I can’t say I understood all of that, but it’s clear Axel loves what he’s doing with it. The passion in his voice couldn’t be missed. It makes me smile.

“I’ve got some Dutch in me,” Axel continues. “So thought it would be fun to dabble with it. It’s called a white beer because the suspended yeast and wheat proteins cause the beer to look hazy, or white, when cold.”

Right, you learn something new every day.

Hollering from behind has us turning around. There, in the middle of the makeshift dancefloor are six men: Aiden, Ethan, and Garrett front and center. All of them are gorgeous and well built. The girls are fanning themselves exaggeratedly… and yes, I could easily join them—it’s a visual feast.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I ogle all the hotness laid out right before me.

Marni smirks and rubs her hands together. “Oh, they’re going to do their workout routine.”

“Huh?” My mouth drops open when the guys reach over their shoulder and in a practiced move pull their shirts off their bodies in synchronicity.

Holy shit.

It’s male chest porn heaven. Abs upon abs are on display. The girls are going crazy, whistling and hooting.

“Come on, let’s get a better view,” Marni suggests gleefully, taking my hand and dragging me to the front of the assembled guests.

My stomach flips as my eyes lock for a moment with Aiden’s. He gives me a cheeky wink, before his face grows more serious in concentration. He jumps on the spot a few times and stretches his arms across his body.

“I’m not sure what this workout is called but the guys do it a few times a week in the gym at work, and at parties, the girls always pester them until they give in and show off one of their routines. They’ve got two or three in their repertoire. Trust me, it’s impressive.”

I’m sure my eyes grow impossibly large watching Aiden warm up, my throat going dry. This is the best arm porn I’ve ever seen. I want to reach over and squeeze his biceps, feel them flex beneath my touch, perhaps even lick them.

Jeez, Ella. Drop it.

Reluctantly, I peel my gaze from his bulging muscles and let it wander over his delectable body. I do a double take when I reach his chest. For starters, it’s hairless. I so love a smooth chest. But as fine as it is, that’s not what has captured my attention.

There, over his heart, is a tattoo. It’s the only one he has… at least on the parts I can see.

The triquetra.

It’s not huge like Tiero’s lion that covered all of his back. No, it’s there, but not overpowering… about the size of a heart.

TheCeltic trinity symbol, the power of three… just like it was on Claudette’s heart paperweight I broke. Goose bumps race over my skin as a powerful shiver runs through my body.

What does the triquetra mean to Aiden? Why did he get this tattoo?

I don’t get to contemplate those questions because music starts blaring over the speakers and the crowd goes wild.

Jeez, this is like aMagic Mikeshow, and I briefly wonder if they’re going to lose their pants in this routine too… or maybe I’m hoping for it.

The six men go through some more warm-up moves. Everybody is watching, but they don’t seem to mind. I’d be way too self-conscious to ever do something like this in front of an audience.