Page 66 of A New Dawn

We chat for a few more minutes. Aiden has disappeared into the kitchen, and I hear the teapot boiling. By the time I hang up with Miranda, he’s walking back to the living room with two cups of tea in hand and the unmistakable aroma of licorice tea wafting over to me. It’s mixed with Aiden’s alpine spice and makes my tummy somersault.

“You brought me more licorice tea?”

“It’s your favorite, isn’t it?” He smiles at me and my stomach flip-flops. He looks so freaking gorgeous, and I can’t tear my eyes away from him.God help me.

“Yes. Tha-thank you,” I stutter.

“Familiar things help make you feel more at home here, right?”

I blush… why, I have no clue. It’s not like he said anything suggestive.

Still, my blood surges through my body as my eyes fall to his lips. I get an image of them locked on mine and quickly look away, swallowing hard.

Fuck, Ella. What on earth are you doing?

Aiden sits down beside me and hands me my cup. He’s right. The familiar scent immediately is soothing.

“Are you homesick for Ireland?” Aiden asks.

Hmm, good questions. Am I?

I take a sip of the tea as I contemplate his question. “To be honest, I haven’t had much time to miss it yet. Something new always seems to happen that takes center stage in my head.

“I miss Rhia. We’ve never spent so much time apart. Normally, we’d see each other a few times a week and talk daily. At least we can do that again now. I loved my job at the guide dogs. I had the best boss there, but it looks like Gary is a contender for boss of the year, by the sounds of him.”

Aiden nods in agreement. “Yeah, he’s pretty cool.”

“Ah, and then there’s Knox. I miss him.”


“He’s my Highland bull. I won him in a speed stacking competition in Scotland.”

“You speed stack? I’ve dabbled with it when I was a teenager, but I didn’t stick with it.”

“I can teach you,” I immediately say before I can think better of it.

No, no, no. Don’t open the door to spending more time with him. It’s a bad idea. But it’s too late now.

My heart and mind are at odds… now there’s something new. I roll my eyes at myself.

Is history repeating itself? But the more important question is, have I learned from it? The situations are so different, though. Aiden and Tiero, while on the surface are similar, they aren’t really alike. It would be like comparing apples to oranges, day to night… Something to think about for another time, because for now, Aiden seems excited about the idea of stacking cups.

“I’d love that. Have you got cups here?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. Rhia made sure I had a set. She knows it keeps my mind focused when I get too flustered.”

I retrieve the cups from my luggage I have yet to unpack. Later, though. Now it’s time for one of my favorite time wasters.

We move to the dining table, and I show him the basic moves. Aiden is a fast learner. His hand-eye coordination is incredible. He’ll be serious competition for me in no time. The thought excites me. Oh, the fun we’re going to have with that.

My competitive nature roars to life. “We need a speed stacking mat with a timer,” I declare.

“I’ll get us one,” Aiden replies, a twinkle in his eyes. He’s clearly enjoying himself and keeps stacking over and over again. “You were telling me about Knox before we got sidetracked by this.”

“Ah yes. Knox is two and a half years old and the cuddliest giant. He’s so tame and affectionate. Rhia’s parents look after him for me because they have the land for him to roam, but I used to visit him once a week. He’s awesome. Now, I’ll probably never see him again.” The thought makes me sad.

Then my mind drifts to my other pets in Sicily. I became attached to my three little puppies so quickly. I pray they’re okay.