Page 52 of A New Dawn

“Where is Helen? I’m so sorry I ruined your day.” I sniffle as Gary steers us to the parking lot.

“No need to apologize. It’s not like you planned this. Helen wanted to wait, but I figured it might make you uncomfortable having the both of us here.”

I look at him, astonished he senses what I need. It’s bad enough having to explain my situation to him; I don’t want an audience on top of that, even if it’s only one extra person.

God, I wish I could just hide away from the world.

When I’m safely in the passenger seat of Gary’s black SUV and he’s behind the wheel, I let out a long breath. I need to tell him what happened. I fidget with the hem of my jacket as I try to find the words.

“I thought I was pregnant.” Gary glances over at me, his face full of surprise. “Turns out Tiero intended to knock me up… to bind me to him. I discovered his ploy and it made me so furious I was willing to risk everything. When the opportunity to run presented, I took it.”

That anger seems eons ago now. Would I do it again if I was in the same situation? Knowing the heartbreak that would follow and the all-consuming pain of leaving Tiero?

“When I threw up on the ship, I took a pregnancy test. It was positive. It freaked me out, but I got used to the idea of having a baby. Just…” I blink away the tears trying to break free and let out a strangled breath. “Just that I’m not.”

“You’re not pregnant?” Gary repeats, taking his eyes off the road for a moment to glance at me.

It helps that he’s driving and has something else to do besides listen to me. I couldn’t handle his full attention right now.

“No. The doctor said it was a false positive. There never was a baby.”

“And the fainting?” Gary asks.

“He thinks it was from stress and not eating.”

I want to assure him I’m fine, that I can work normally. He’s my lifeline in this new life; I can’t jeopardize it. “I’ll make sure I rest up this weekend. I’ll be good to start work on Monday as planned.”

Gary doesn’t reply, and the silence stretches uncomfortably. Is he having second thoughts about taking me on? I would if I were him. Anxiety takes root in my body, and I keep rolling the hem of my jacket.

We pull into the Freemont building garage. Gary appears deep in thought. Oh god, is he preparing to tell me that this will not work out? No matter what or how much he owes Lex?

I’m too much to take on. I knew it all along. Who in their right mind would want to get involved and potentially risk his life for a complete stranger?

My stomach plummets as panic creeps in slowly like a thief in the night.

By the time Gary parks the car in his allotted spot, I’ve convinced myself that he’s ready to send me packing.

Gathering what courage I have left, I want to be gracious about it. “I don’t know how to thank you for everything you’ve done for me,Gary.” A lone tear rolls down my cheek. “I’m truly grateful.”

I’ve been incredibly lucky I got as far as I did, and it wouldn’t have been possible without Gary’s help. I wonder not for the first time what motivated him to go far beyond what he must be owing Lex.

“Let’s get you upstairs. You must be exhausted,” he says, seeming far away.

I can’t read him. He is solemn, as if in pain. I don’t know what to make of it.

My fingers tap restlessly against my leg as we make our way up to the top floor in the elevator. When we reach the apartment, he steps in after me, seemingly in no hurry to leave.


“Would you like a cup of tea?” I offer and he accepts.

He wants to stay, but what does he want to talk about? Is he going to sack me?

I busy myself in the kitchen while Gary makes himself comfortable in the living room.

I place his cup of tea on the coffee table and take a seat opposite him.

It doesn’t look like he’s going to speak, so I give into my curiosity.