Page 43 of A New Dawn

“Yeah, I just arrived back from Canada. Gary needed me for something.”

“Ha. There’s always something. You should have ignored him. There’s coffee in the kitchen if you want some,” he tells me, assuming I’m still on the job.

“No, I’m good. I’m going to crash in a bedroom upstairs. There’s no point driving home now.”

Jerry nods. “Cool, man. There’s no one staying overnight. Pick any room you want.”

I salute him as he goes back into his office and head back to the elevator, hitting the button for the third floor.

Freemont has a few bedrooms for personnel. It’s not uncommon for jobs to run into the early hours of the morning, and it’s often not logical to return home just for a few hours of sleep, especially if home is an hour’s drive away like it is for those of us who prefer to live in the mountains.

The elevator reaches the third floor and I’m tempted to press the button for the fourth and knock on Riley’s door.

And say what exactly? Yeah, I’ll just have to wait till later today. I’ll work out her training schedule. That can be my excuse to see her.

Begrudgingly, I exit and step into the common area. There’s a comfortable lounge space and a fully stocked kitchen with a dining nook. Down a corridor are three bedrooms and a bathroom.

I keep spare clothes in my office; usually not for sleepovers but because I work out every day during my lunch break. I’ll get them in the morning; I can’t be bothered going back downstairs again.

I strip down to my boxers and slip under the covers. As soon as my head hits the pillow, the heaviness of sleep takes over. My last thoughts are on Riley: the sound of her cheerful laughter, her bright shining eyes.

She’s on the floor right above me. If I can’t be with her, I’ll take comfort that we’re in the same building, only separated by the concrete in the ceiling.

Sweet dreams, my Sunshine.

It’s just after seven o’clock when I walk down the corridor to Gary’s office. The place is still empty except for Jerry’s and Gary’s offices.

Gary is an early riser and is here every day, no later than six. He works out first and is behind his desk by seven.

As I approach, I hear voices suggesting the boss man isn’t alone.

“Why can’t I come along?” An unmistakable southern accent belonging to one feisty Mrs. Smith cajoles.

God help Gary, because Miranda sounds like she’s on a mission. Why is she here so early?

Miranda Smith is a force to be reckoned with. Her petite frame and innocent southern charm fool everyone into believing she’s naive and easily led… that’s until she opens her mouth and lets loose.

How Garrett handles her on a daily basis is beyond me, but I’ve never seen him happier. Those two have been together for a few years and still are besotted with each other… it’s quite eye-opening to watch.

“Ella knows me, and I’m sure she would feel more comfortable seeing a familiar face.”


Who are they talking about?

“She’s not a toddler needing someone to hold her hand. She’s a strong woman who’s managed just fine on her own. I’m not a big bad wolf now, am I?”

“You can be,” Miranda deadpans.

Gary doesn’t respond, and I can just picture him staring the little spitfire down. “You’ve done enough for her. Thank you, troublemaker. I’m sure the flowers from Rhia will have made her feel more at home.”

Flowers? Are they talking about Riley?

If they are, it would answer my question about her admirer. So it’s not a guy after all but her friend, Lex’s girl, whom I have not met. I fist pump the air. No immediate competition. Brilliant!

“Garyyyyy,” Miranda whines.

“No. If I took you along, you’ll just take over the conversation as you always do, and there are things I need to discuss with her… in private. Now go, Miranda. Remember, you told me you have a job to get to? I’ll tell Ella you said hello. Though, we really need to call her Riley. We have a cover to uphold. Got that, troublemaker?”