Page 171 of A New Dawn


“I think he finally understood I can’t be happy in his world.”

“Wow… I actually have no words. Does that mean you’re planning to move back to Ireland?” Rhia asks.

Shit, I haven’t even considered that possibility. Now that Ella is no longer on the run, does she want to go back to her old life? She still has her apartment in Dublin, rent paid till the end of the year. She could probably get her old job back. And the biggest draw card, of course, her best friend is living there. What will I do if she wants to return? Will I uproot my life here to go with her?

My eyes go to Ella. She’s already looking at me, smiling. “No. I’m sorry, sweets. But I’ll stay here with Ade. He proposed to me, and I said yes,” she says proudly, looking at her ring and then back at me with so much love in her eyes.

More silence on the other end of the line makes Ella grin wide.

“I’m picturing your jaw just dropped to the floor. I’m excited we’ve made you speechless twice in one conversation.”

Ella saidwe, and I’m flooded with overwhelming feelings of love for her. I’m so drawn to this woman; nothing could ever keep me from her. I get up and sit down beside her, wrapping her in my arms and pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

“You’re engaged?” Rhia asks, shocked.

“Yep.” Ella replies, nestling into me.

“How are you engaged before me when you’ve known Aiden for how long? Six weeks?”

“You said it yourself. When you know, you know.”

“Was that before or after Tiero found you?”

Ella’s expression sobers. “Before.”

Rhia squeals through the phone in excitement, making us both laugh. I pull Ella tighter against me, raising her hand to my mouth and kiss the finger with my ring on it.

“How did Tiero react when he found out?”

“He drew a gun and wanted to shoot Aiden.”

“Holy shit, Ella. You really need to back up and start from the beginning. I’m shaking like a leaf over here. How did Aiden propose? How did Tiero find you, and what made him change his mind? Fuck, I have so many questions. Start talking,” she demands.

While Ella fills her in on all the details, I lean back and close my eyes, the girls’ chatter relaxing and somewhat soothing. I didn’t realize how tired I was. Before too long I drift off.

Through my hazy mind, I hear Rhia ask, “And are you happy?”

“So happy to marry Aiden but devastated to have broken Tiero’s heart.”

“Tiero did the right thing to walk away. He only ever put you in danger. You’re lucky to have survived all the shit he put you through. I’m glad he finally put you first. Though, I have to admit, I never thought he was capable of it. You’re sure he’s given you up and won’t change his mind and come charging back? What if he kidnaps you again?”

“Our goodbye felt permanent. We think he really is gone for good.”

“We’ll need to talk more about this when I see you next. I’m going to check out flights as soon as I get off the phone.”

They say their goodbyes as we get ready to land. I’m so glad these two will be able to meet freely again. Ella never complains, but I know she’s been missing her best friend more than anything else. Though they talk every day, now they’ll be able to hang out with no restrictions.

Things really are turning out better than I could have anticipated. Yet there is a little niggling sense that this is just the calm before the storm. Better enjoy it while it lasts.

But how can this be? The biggest obstacle for our path to happiness has vanished into thin air. It has to be clear sailing from here.

Two hours later, I carry Ella over the threshold of our home. I sayourbecause now that we’re engaged, she’ll be officially moving in. We spend most of our time together anyway, and more and more of Ella’s things have already found a spot.

“Welcome home, my beautiful bride-to-be.” I kiss her gently as I kick the door closed behind us to keep the cold air out.

“Thank you, Mr. Burg,” she replies with a sleepy smile, and my stomach flutters.