Page 168 of A New Dawn

I’m leaving her behind.

A lump forms in my throat, and no matter how hard I try to swallow, it won’t budge.

I rub my face with both hands before they rest against my nose and mouth as if in prayer.

Have I ever prayed? Not that I can recall.

I’m used to playing God, being the one who creates an outcome… an outcome I’m happy with. Having all the money in the world helps with that.

Yet I can’t give the one person who means the most to me the security and carefree life she needs.

I grip the armrests of my seat tighter, my knuckles turning white. I want to jump up, haul the door open again and go and get my girl.


I have to let her go.

She can’t change who she is any more than I can. Her moral compass would never allow us to live happily together. In our situation, compromising doesn’t work… not that it’s a word in my vocabulary to begin with, but for Ella, I would have tried.

Despite all of that, all of me still wants to run to her and make her mine forever.

My entire body turns heavy as stone when the jet takes off.

Too late now.

I get up and walk to the back of the jet and enter the small bedroom, sinking down on the bed and staring blankly into space.

If Ella was with me, her life would always be in danger. But with me walking away for good, the target on her back will fade in time; especially with Molinaro dead. Others are unlikely to go looking for her, but you can never be too careful. I’ll deal with my remaining enemies. That will give me focus.

Fuck. I need focus… something stopping me from going off the rails.


My love for her has never been stronger.

Papa’s ashen face the day my mother died drifts to mind. I’m certain I look no different.

Like father, like son. After Mama’s death, Papa never let another woman close, never opened his heart again.

I understand why now, because I will never love another woman either. I can’t. Ella is and will always be my One.

I raise my gaze to the sky.Papa, please help me bear this loss.

I’m not sure how long I’m sitting there, just staring into nothingness.

Pictures of Ella fill my head.

She looked so goddamn happy… with another man. A man who is honorable. A man who’s opposite to me in all ways… except for his love for her.

Giving her up is like dying.

But for the first time in my life, what somebody else wants is more important to me than my own desires.

I’ll keep an eye on them from afar and be there for her should she ever need me. It’s the only purpose I can see for this empty life lying ahead of me.

Next lifetime, I promise myself… next lifetime I will spend my whole life with her. I have no doubt we will meet again—our connection is unbreakable, not even death will stand in its way.

“Welcome home to Sicily, sir,” the captain’s voice sounds through the speakers.