Page 154 of A New Dawn

It’s the most bizarre thing… in the middle of a raging standoff between two men, with weapons raised and trained at each other and at me, I find a strange kind of peace.

I’ve found the missing pieces… the puzzle sliding together.

Yet I don’t feel free or more complete.

Perhaps it’s because of the looming spectacle of death hanging over all our heads.

I want to yell at them to stop this nonsense, to put down the guns. But my throat has closed over and though I’m opening my mouth, no sound comes out.

My heart beats frantically, perspiration coating my body. My breath comes out in little puffs, my chest constricting.

This is all because of me. I brought them together. I will never forgive myself if either of them gets hurt.

I wish I could go back in time and have traveled to the Maldives instead of Sicily. Then we could have avoided all of this.

But all that doesn’t matter right now, does it? I need to do something to deescalate this situation, because these two sure as hell aren’t going to.

I step forward, fully aware that I’m putting myself more in the line of fire, but I need Tiero to look at me. I turn towards him, my eyes trained on his face. I raise my arms in surrender.

“Tiero.” My voice is hoarse, as if I hadn’t used it for centuries.

His eyes finally shift to me, and mine well up with tears, because, despite everything that has happened between us, the pull to him is undeniable. It hasn’t lessened one bit. The awareness leaves me speechless and terrified.

My body shakes, and my heart breaks all over again. I want to die! Just shoot me and put me out of my misery.

I’m in love with two men. How can any good come from this?

Someone will get hurt and it’s because of me. I’m not sure I can live with myself having that on my conscience.

Tiero’s eyes hold so much hurt, so much pain. He thinks I betrayed him. But have I?

No, no, no. If Gandalf is right, the three of us were always destined to meet. But how does this make it any better? It doesn’t.

My chest is too tight to take a breath. All my strength is seeping out of me. Splotches of black blur my vision as my knees buckle. Clutching my chest, I crumble to the ground.

I hear Aiden’s voice in the distance… and Tiero’s. It’s so far away.

Then I’m swallowed up by darkness.

Far-off voices call my name. I don’t want to wake up. I’m so tired. Let me sleep just a little longer.

“Ella!” The voices are more insistent now. They sound familiar… and worried.

Begrudgingly, I force my eyelids open. They’re like lead.

Aiden is cradling me against his chest, his warm arms wrapped protectively around me.

My head whips around, searching for Tiero. It makes my head spin all over again.

He’s kneeling beside us, a soothing hand rubbing my back. “Here. Drink some water, princess.” One of his goons hands him a bottle. He uncaps it and brings it to my lips. I take it from him with shaky fingers, taking a sip.

He’s clearly unhappy Aiden is holding me, and if looks could kill, I’m sure Aiden would be six feet under. But Tiero is holding back his anger… for me.

The tension from earlier builds within me all over again.

“What happened?” I choke out.

“You blacked out,” Aiden replies.