What the fuck?
I don’t understand… Ella wouldn’t have changed genders, surely? This is madness.
No. Such a thing can’t be done in only a few weeks. And even then, she wouldn’t have grown in height or put on so much muscle. That idea is ridiculous.
What the fuck is going on?
Still, I can’t take my eyes off the man, and the warmth in my abdomen begins to swirl like a tornado, sucking away rational thoughts.
He stops in his tracks, angling his head to the side, his expression puzzled.
This is getting weirder by the second.
He turns in my direction, scanning the crowd, and I step behind Santino, hiding from view. Thank fuck he’s even broader than me. He doesn’t move but asks, “Boss?” His bewilderment clear in his voice.
Why did I just do that? I never hide… I’m not a pussy. I’m fucking Gualtiero Leandro De Marco, boss of the now biggest crime syndicate in Italy. I don’t cower away.
I don’t answer Santino, too occupied with my thoughts.
My mind races as I search for answers but am only bombarded with more questions.
Who is this guy? Why am I reacting as if he were Ella?
Actually, it’s not quite the same. Similar but different. Ella always caused a rampant heat explosion; this felt pleasantly warm until the swirling started. The tingling is the same, though.
I rub my neck and move it from side to side. “Is he still there?” I ask Santino.
“No. He’s moved on. Do you know this guy?”
Do I? I don’t think so. He didn’t look familiar.
Again, I don’t answer. “Where did he go?” I ask instead.
Santino points to the left, but he’s disappeared into the crowd.
My limbs are shaking, and I draw in a deep breath to calm myself.
How is my body so confused? Is the stress of the past nine weeks finally catching up with me? This isn’t normal. I’m not attracted to a man. Am I?
Santino looks at me as if I have lost my mind. Best to forget this incident. I need to find Ella.
“Vamos,” I tell him, and we set off in the same general direction as the stranger. My heart is finally calming down and my ability to think returns. That was bizarre.
Then, in a flash, a heat bomb explodes in my body and I tingle from head to toe.
I stop in my tracks and search the crowd.
She’s here somewhere… I can feel her.
My feet move again, I’m being pulled forward ever so slowly. The heat intensifies. My eyes explore every face I come across and then…
There she is.
Leaning against the railing, watching the cars as they race by, is Ella.