Page 95 of A New Dawn

Always cool, nothing seems to ruffle his feathers, which has given everyone a sense of calm. He answers each and every question with confidence and is fast to praise with a warm smile on his face.

And his patience?! The man is a saint. Everyone rolled their eyes, exasperated when Ramona couldn’t get her fire going even after an hour of trying, and Aiden sat with her, the epitome of calmness, giving her pointers until she got it. Then he made her do it again and again, until she confidently could start it and keep it alive. My respect for him grew with every passing minute, as did my arousal.

I’m fighting a losing battle, am I not?

I carefully turn in my hammock to seek out the man who sets me on fire. He’s only a few feet away, and having him so near makes me feel safe. I know he wouldn’t let anything happen to me… or any of the people here.

He’s still awake too and our gazes connect. The dancing flames of the fire reflect in his eyes. There’s so much warmth there.

“Go to sleep, Sunshine,” he whispers.

I shake my head. “I can’t,” I mouth back.

“I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

I keep staring into his eyes until that’s all I see. And it’s like a warm blanket of love and protection weaves around me. My eyelids grow heavy. I blink slowly to keep them open but tiredness is finally weighing them down and I drift off, trusting that Aiden is watching over me.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Fastforwardtwenty-fourhoursand I really, really wish Aiden’s blanket of love and protection was tight around me right now.

This afternoon we were each given a map with a campsite marked on it. Following the map was like a treasure hunt and actually great fun. Given my abysmal navigational sense, I was incredibly proud of myself when I found the little clearing marked with purple ribbon stakes.

Maybe wilderness adventures are for me after all.

Setting up camp was easy after yesterday’s practice, and I had my dinner of fruit and sandwiches by sunset. Aiden called on the satellite phone at precisely six o’clock to make sure all was well. I was confident then, thinking I can do this.

But that all changes as soon as the sun disappears and everything around me ascends into darkness. Unease spreads through me like a disease, my mind and body on high alert.

Clouds are obstructing the light of the moon and the stars. While they’re not rain clouds, the effect they’re having on the already dim lighting is freaking me out.

I stoked the fire I built hours ago and throw a few more branches onto it. I need to keep it going all night, its light and warmth the only things keeping me sane.

Have I got enough firewood? I eye the pile I made. Shit, what if this is not going to be enough?

I get up to collect more branches, but as I walk away from the fire and a little into the forest, all I see is black… and it’s trying to swallow me up whole.

My heart accelerates at a dizzying speed, sweat breaking out all over my body. The cold night air cooling me off instantly, making me shiver.

Memories of that night in Sicily in the forest when I tried to escape the first time come flooding back… the panic of being taken. It’s all happening again for me.

My heart threatens to give up. I feel sick.

I run back to the fire, wrapping myself in my sleeping bag, trying to hide away. But my hands are shaking so much the material keeps slipping through my fingers.

So I fall back on what helped before. I lean forward and put my head between my legs, trying to breathe slowly.

Eventually, my body calms, but my mind keeps racing.

Maybe it’s best if I stay by the fire and not move an inch until the sun comes up. God, how long is that away? I don’t dare look at my watch; I don’t want to know how many more hours I have to endure this.

Every little noise is making me jump and turn my head to search for the cause.

They should have given us a panic button or something. What if there’s an animal attack, or worse, Sicilian mobsters jumping out of the woods?

I’ve got a satellite phone for emergencies, I remind myself, patting it in my jacket pocket.