Page 90 of A New Dawn

When he finally stands before me, I pull back my arm and punch him in the stomach. God, that felt good.

Molinaro doubles over, groaning loudly. “You didn’t really expect you’d get away with this, did you? Having my father killed, messing with my deliveries, blowing up my warehouse and my aircraft, cloning my online business, and trying to take my woman?”

The last point is the gravest on my list. He’s got no respect for the old ways, when wars were fought between men. We may be criminals, but at least back then we had honor.

“And the list doesn’t end there, does it? But credit where credit is due… you had me stumped for some time, especially with your mole in my midst.”

I pull back my leg and kick him hard in the ribs, hearing them crack. Fuck, that’s satisfying!

“Let’s have a little chat, shall we?” I say mockingly.

Molinaro is on the ground, writhing in pain while my men stand in a circle around him, watching on, unmoved.

Santino stands up an old table against a wall. I love that he knows me so well, anticipating I want him tied against it so the useless sack of shite won’t collapse to the ground.

Antonio pulls Molinaro up. Standing in front of him, he pushes him backward toward the upstanding table. He stumbles and crashes again, sinking to the floor.

Mateo appears by my side, and we exchange nods as he hands me my spiked brass knuckles. I slip them on and clench my fingers into fists.

Suddenly, Molinaro laughs almost hysterically. I’m taken aback by the display. He appears insane. But what’s new?

He starts coughing and spitting blood, probably from my earlier punch.

“You think you’ve won, but you really haven’t, little boy,” he spits out manically. “I still have a few surprises up my sleeve. And my death isn’t one of them.”

What is he talking about?

I watch as he pops something into his mouth. With a devilish grin, he displays a capsule between his teeth.


“Stop him,” I shout.

Antonio and Santino both rush forward, but Molinaro bites down on the pill, and seconds later clutches his throat, gasping for air. He topples to the ground, unconscious.

What the fuck?

Santino leans over him, feeling for a pulse. “Cyanide, I think,” he says matter-of-factly. “He’ll be dead in a minute.”


“Fucker!” I yell and pull my gun from my holster and shoot. My men jump out of the way just in time, as bullet after bullet hits Molinaro’s skull, blood and brain splashing everywhere.

My chest heaves with rage!

Fucking coward!

How dare he take his own life? He can’t even die with honor.

“I can’t fucking believe this,” Mateo yells, running his hands through his hair. “And what did he mean, he has a few surprises up his sleeve?”

Yes. What did he mean?

My business? Ella? The mole?

Fucking cunt… I wish I could have tortured him to death… and get a few answers along the way.

“Did he just want to mess with our heads?” Mateo voices the question running through my mind.