Page 79 of A New Dawn

Miranda and Trina sidle up beside me. I caught up with both of them earlier, and we had a lovely chat. Miranda insisted on coming into work mid-week to take me, Trina, and Marni out for lunch. That should be fun.

Right now, though, they’re cheering and shouting over and over again, “Bobcats. Bobcats. Bobcats.”

“Why bobcats?” I ask Marni.

“Because the guys rescued an injured bobcat around the same time they started this… it stuck.”

The Sea Shanty song begins to play and the six hotties start their routine.

Miranda elbows my side and leans in closer. “You’re in for a treat. This is quite the show,” she yells to be heard over the noisy crowd.

I’m not sure I’m ready for another show. This morning’s was quite enough. I’ve only just settled down.

But I don’t get a choice. Well, I do… I could walk away, but that would make me insane. Who, in their right mind, would walk away from a visual treat like this one?

I don’t know how to describe this workout. It starts in plank pose and goes through variations of it… one armed, moving from side to side, falling into a push up and little jumps. And best of all, the guys are completely in sync with each other and the music.

My eyes are glued to one man in particular, though. I forget how to breathe as I watch Aiden’s muscles coil with every movement. I’m mesmerized, almost like in a trance. Time seems too slow to allow me to watch every ripple of his muscular body.

Oh my.

He lowers onto his elbows and a second later he’s back up, going across and backward, doing a few one-armed push-ups. Then he spreads his arms wide, still holding up his body weight and gliding from one side to the other.

What strength! My mouth is hanging open. I’m in awe.

They do little jumps in between planks and then for a short second they’re all suspended in the air, stretching out their bodies before landing in plank pose again.

Oh my god, what coordination and power all of them have. I almost can’t believe my eyes.

If they do this a few times a week, no wonder they’re like chiseled gods.

They make it look so easy and effortless, but I know for sure I could never do this. I’m lucky if I manage one push up, maybe two, given I’ve been working out a lot before my escape.

A light sheen of sweat is covering Aiden’s skin now, making it glitter lightly under the lights.

He’s a work of art.

When the music finishes, an uproarious applause erupts. All of them are puffing, their yummy chests heaving with the strain to draw in air.

“That was incredible!” I say to Marni, clapping and cheering alongside everyone else.

“Yes. You can see why the girls won’t stop harassing them, can’t you?”

“Yep. I definitely want to see that again.” In fact, I want my own, private show of this workout… but only with one man.

Someone hands Aiden and the others a bottle of water, and he gulps it down. He licks his lips when he’s finished, drawing my gaze to his kissable lips. I’m trying not to look at them, but it’s a losing battle. They’re going to be my downfall.

I sigh internally, because, come on, I can’t let this sound escape from my throat. He doesn’t need to know where my thoughts have wandered to. Mind you, it’s probably deadly obvious in the way my pupils must be dilated… because in my imagination those lips are on me, caressing and teasing, his tongue sweeping through my mouth…

Enough already…

This isn’t helping me and my resolve to stay away.

Aiden walks over with his trademark cheeky grin. “Did you enjoy this, Sunshine?”

“Show me one person here who didn’t,” I deflect, not willing to admit how much I’ve been drooling watching him.

“Marni says you guys do this work out a few times a week.”