Page 5 of A New Dawn

Sitting up, I clutch my chest to stop the fluttering of my heart and take him all in.

He’s most definitely not Gualtiero Leandro De Marco.

Chapter Two


Herscentisthefirst thing that hits me; vanilla and apple. It reminds me of fall and harvest, of apple pie with custard, of Thanksgiving with my family when I was a boy.

Then my eyes land on her face.

Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

But I can’t focus on that. Her entire body is shaking uncontrollably, her pulse racing visibly beneath her flawless skin.

She’s beside herself with fear. Why?

She hasn’t looked at me yet; her eyes are tightly squeezed shut. My protector instincts kick in, and I roll us so she’s now underneath me, shielded by my body, as I scan the room for threats.

The room is empty, though. No sign of danger.

What the hell?

What has her so spooked?

Puzzled, I look down at her, about to ask what happened… but no words leave my mouth. Big, beautiful eyes suddenly open to meet mine.


The room around me disappears. My heart stops beating, my breath falters… everything stops.

Time stands still.

Images of a diamond ring, doves and kids running in fields laughing flash before me. A sense of coming home saturates every cell of my body.

Familiar fragments of my soul I never knew I’d lost slot into place and smile together. It sounds stupid, but I swear I hear angels sing as my soul harmonizes with hers.

I stare into her eyes and the depths of her essence. The light there is so bright; it’s all there is. I get lost and never want to come back.

Then she blinks and shakes her head as if trying to rid herself of the spell cast over us. She pushes against my chest, and I roll over, never taking my eyes off her.

God, she’s stunning.

She sits up, staring at me for long seconds, her eyes wide, her breath bursting in and out of her.

Scrambling to her feet, she looks petrified and hellishly confused. Her entire body is on high alert. Why?

With a last look over her shoulder, she flees the room, and I gape after her, completely dumbfounded.

What the fuck just happened?

I roll onto by back and stare at the ceiling, my heart pounding in my chest.

Home… I felt like coming home… to her.

Like she’s the one person I’ve been waiting for my whole life. Just that I didn’t realize it until now.

And I haven’t even seen her fully yet or spoken to her. Yet I’m certain she’s it.