Page 47 of A New Dawn

I rush out of the bathroom where I was just applying makeup but have to slow as a wave of nausea hits me. Closing my eyes to regain equilibrium, I hold on to a chair when the doorbell rings for a second time.

I rub my neck and let out a long breath just as I reach the door, nervous anticipation swirling in my abdomen.

I swing the door open and there he is, Gary Freemont, one of my knights in shining armor.

Claudette’s words jump to mind.You have a lot of help.And I realize how right she is.

Even when I thought I was all alone with my problems, I never was. Behind the scenes, wheels were turning and creating a solution for me.

Trust the universe. It’s got your back.

As do many other people. A wave of gratitude sweeps through me. I am truly well looked after. May I never forget it!

Gary looks the part of knight, too. Not that he’s wearing knight’s armor or a chain mail shirt. He’s dressed in a dark suit and looks the epitome of a silver fox, with his graying hair and well-trimmed beard.

No, what makes him knight-like is the air of confidence and assuredness surrounding him. It’s palpable and instantly calms my nerves. Da used to have a similar effect on me. His presence alone would make everything better.

Just like him, Gary carries himself like someone who always has everything under control and can juggle many balls.

“Gary. It’s so nice to finally meet you,” I say, holding out my hand to shake his. He takes it but pulls me in to kiss my cheek.

“Likewise. This is my wife, Helen,” he says, pointing to the beautiful woman standing next to him. She gives me a warm hug and rubs my back affectionately.

At a guess, Helen is in her late forties, and sports a blonde, choppy bob. Chic describes her best. She’s wearing a stylish pant suit that accentuates her slim figure. It fits her air of sophistication. She strikes me as a successful businesswoman… perhaps in the fashion industry or high-end event organizing.

Gary smiles warmly at his wife and the affection and love he has for her are obvious. I wonder how long these two have been together. They seem more like newlyweds than a couple who’ve been together for decades.

“Please come in,” I invite, gesturing to the inside. “It’s your apartment, after all.”

“No, it is yours for as long as you want it. At least here you know you are completely safe. Nobody gets near this building undetected, let alone inside.”

“It really helps knowing that. Thank you.”

I glance at Helen and wonder how much Gary has told her. Is he like Tiero and keeps everything business related out of his relationship? But then why would Helen be here?

“There is a little Spanish restaurant down the street I thought we could go to. They make the best paella.”

Right on cue, my stomach grumbles.

“Oh dear.” Helen chuckles. “When was the last time you ate?”

“I had a few snacks on the plane yesterday,” I admit. But my last proper meal was breakfast on the cruise ship. Oh gosh, that’s like a lifetime ago.

Was it only yesterday morning this new chapter of my life began? I’ve crammed a lot into one day.

What a rollercoaster of emotions… the relief of having made it undetected to America, to then think it’s been all in vain and Tiero found me, just to then meet Aiden and be completely knocked off my feet, literally and figuratively.

Yeah, it’s been a full day.

No wonder I’m starving. I need to look after myself better to give peanut the best start in life.

“I’m looking forward to hearing all about your travels,” Helen says as we head for the door.

I pick up my purse and the new untraceable phone. It’s so good to have one again and to be able to consult the web when questions pop into my head. I’m instructed to avoid social media at all costs, which won’t be hard; I’ve not used it much before anyway. And life is much simpler without constant message alerts.

“You better take a light jacket along,” Helen advises. “It’s a little cooler today.” It’s hardly surprising given it’s October and winter won’t be far off. I wonder what will be like here?

It occurs to me that I’ll spend Christmas here. Shit, I’ve never had a Christmas away from Dublin and Rhia’s family in eighteen years. Even when my parents were still alive, our families celebrated together. Christmas Eve was always a time of joint family fun. This is going to be the saddest Christmas, even sadder than the first one without my parents, because for this one, I’ll be all alone.