Page 37 of A New Dawn

“You most certainly will. I’m responsible for your training, after all.” My eyebrows shoot up. Ah, that’s right. I’ve forgotten about it already.


Though peanut might get me out of that, which puts a smile back on my face.

As soon as the door closes behind Aiden, I rush back to the dining room table and take in the fantastic aroma of the flowers. I’ve seen them before but have no idea what they are. I grab the letter leaning against the vase and impatiently open it.

Sure enough, it’s from Rhia. Seeing her name brings such relief to my tumultuous heart.

To my dearest, most loved friend in the entire world.

You know how Lex has a thing about saying it with flowers. So I thought I’d take a leaf out of his book and try the same.

Miranda is awesome, by the way. She helped me pull this off.

Unlike Lex, who goes overboard with different flowers and colors to show off his vast Google knowledge, I’ve kept it simple.

Chrysanthemums… bet you didn’t know they were called that. They symbolize optimism, care, and love, and it is suggested to give them to a friend on a happy occasion. And this is a happy occasion, because you made it safely to Atlanta and are starting a brand-new life and thank the holy cow, I’m still part of it. You can’t get rid of me that easily. And while I wish I could be there with you, for now I’m with you in spirit.

Love you, El. So so much. You’ve got this. See you soon!!!


P.S. I nearly forgot the most important part of this letter. This apartment has secure phone lines. Call me on the number I gave you as soon as you get this.

I check the time, calculating in my head if Rhia is still awake. Atlanta is five hours behind Dublin. It’s just after one o’clock in the morning, making it six o’clock for Rhia.

Yeah, she’ll be up. Unlike me, she’s an early morning person.

Finding the piece of paper with Rhia’s number in my purse, I walk to the bedroom and lie on the bed. Jeez, it’s comfy.

I’m about to grab the phone from the bedside table when I spot a gorgeous potted, bright pink orchid. The white pot has an engraving and my hand flies to my heart.

God, I’m so lucky!!!

I truly have the best friend in the world.

Friendship. New beginnings. Joy.

“About time you called. I’ve been so worried! You should have been at your apartment hours ago. I haven’t slept all night, pacing around the apartment. I’ve driven Lex crazy. What happened??”

Hearing Rhia’s voice after more than two weeks of radio silence, it’s like a balm for my soul; the whole world looks brighter.

“Tell that to the weather. There was a massive storm and our plane got diverted to Charlotte and we had to drive from there.”

“Who’s we?” Rhia asks right away, making me laugh.

“God, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you and your inquisitions!”

“I do. It’s the same for me. Lex has had a lot to put up with.”

“I’m sure he handled it expertly like always.”

“Well, he tried his damnedest to distract me.”

“Aww. Tell him I’m super grateful he’s in your life.” I hear the smile in her voice as she relates my message to her boyfriend. “And thank you for my wonderful surprises. You made my day.”

“You’re welcome. It’s the least I could do to make a strange place feel a bit more like home.