Page 34 of A New Dawn

It’s peaceful there. The noise of my incessant mind stops. I’m reminded of who I am, and I’m suddenly steady, my confidence returning.

“Come on, Sunshine. You know you want to say yes.”

Chapter Nine



It’s on the tip of my tongue. The temptation to accept his invitation is almost too much. The butterflies do what butterflies do, and I hear my blood rush through my veins.

After our car trip, I feel a relaxed closeness to him. Sure, there was a closeness there before I even looked at him. That, however, was anything but relaxing!

Say yes. Say yes. Say yes, my heart screams.

But my head isn’t on board. And haven’t I learned by now that head, heart, and gut have to agree? Otherwise things can end in disaster. My presence here in America is the proving point.

With Tiero, my gut said no. Rhia said yes. I didn’t think things through, letting my attraction to him win out. I won’t make that mistake again.

I’m in too much emotional turmoil to make good decisions. So I need to stay away from the charming, capable, handsome Aiden Burg.

“I’m sorry. But I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I finally say, looking away, not wanting to see his reaction.

I feel his eyes still on me. No doubt he’s been studying me as I’ve been debating with myself. I hope he has because, given how perceptive he is, he’ll be able to tell that this isn’t a good time for me.

“Hey.” Aiden reaches out and takes my hand. Sparks race over my skin, and my heart does the little flitter flutter again.

His voice is soft when he says, “I get that you have lots on your mind. How about you get settled in first? And then we’ll see where we’re at.”

God help me!

He thinks there’s awein the future. He could have said, “Then I’ll see where you’re at.” But no, he didn’t. He usedwe.

I have mentioned how screwed I am, haven’t I?

Aiden and I are walking toward the parking lot where he left his car before his trip to Prince Edward Island. He’ll be driving me to the place that will be my new home for the next few weeks, maybe even months.

Since my refusal to go out on a date, he’s been quiet, and I get the impression he’s deep in thought, trying to work me out.

Good luck with that. Not even I can do that.

There are too many opposing forces within me, and which one will win is anyone’s guess.

No, that’s not true. Reason will win this time… not lust.

Just that I know it’s more than that. There’s a soul connection there I really, really want to deny.


I need to talk with Rhia. She’ll set me straight, I know she will.

As we approach a row of cars, Aiden pulls out his keys and presses the remote. His car lights flash and the beeps echo in the deserted parking station. He lifts our bags into the trunk and then, ever the gentleman, opens the passenger door of his sleek, dark-blue SUV.

I hesitate for a moment and carefully inspect the seat before sliding in. The chances of sitting on something in this car are slim, but better safe than sorry.

Aiden raises an eyebrow, but I just shrug. I’m not going to explain that one now.

As I have a glance around the interior, the carmaker’s logo on the steering wheel catches my attention.