Page 220 of A New Dawn

“Where is Lex?” Aiden asks.

“Waiting room… he brought a book… a long one.” Rhia smirks.

Just then, Tilly, my midwife, enters and without hesitation goes to the business end, making friendly small talk the entire time.

“You’re dilating beautifully. Not long now,” she tells us. “I’ll be back in half an hour to check on you. If you need anything in the meantime, press the buzzer. Try to breathe deeply and consciously through the contractions to support your baby.” With that, she leaves, satisfied that all is progressing well.

“Not long now,” Ade repeats. “I don’t know if I’m excited or sick.”

“Excited,” Rhia replies. “Definitely go with excited.”

The three of us place our hands on my huge belly, feeling it tighten and harden with every contraction. And in unison we breathe in and out, like Tilly instructed.

“It’s weird feeling the contractions through my hands but not in my body. I’m missing out on the whole birthing experience. Next time, I want to give this a try naturally. I know my heart can stand it.”

Aiden shakes his head. “Your heart might be able to stand it, but mine wouldn’t. Seeing you in pain for hours… I don’t think I could do it.”

“Wimp.” I nudge him.

Not an hour later, I’m fully dilated and Tilly tells me to push. Thank goodness my body knows what it’s doing, because pushing with no sensation is weird.

“It’s crowning.” Aiden’s voice is full of awe. He’s at the bottom of the bed, and his eyes are transfixed on my entrance.

Encouraged by Tilly, I reach down to touch the top of my son’s head.

My son.

Goosebumps scatter across my skin. Suddenly, this is becoming very real.

I glance out the window again.

It’s a new dawn.

The first rays of the sun break through the dark of night, turning the sky into soft hues of apricot and pink.

Yes, this is a new beginning… in so many ways.

Warmth radiates through my body. I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

Nothing could be more perfect.

A drumming in the chest tells me I’m alive… in fact, I’ve never felt more alive or elated! If I could, I’d do my little happy dance, but that will have to wait.

With a few more pushes, our little prince is born… straight into the waiting hands of his father.

Surrounded by the most important people in my world, my heart is overflowing with love.

And yes, there are tears. And the first one is most definitely flowing from my right eye—total happiness.

Aiden places our newborn son into my arms and then sits on the bed next to me, kissing my forehead reverently while cradling the both of us. Ready to love us—always.

It’s hard to see my son’s face through my tears. Rhia leans in and kisses my cheek, wiping them dry with her hands.

I curl my finger around his tiny ones, and the already perfect moment is topped when our little prince opens his eyes for the first time, and I fall into their bottomless depth.

Beautiful, warm-brown eyes stare back at me, and in them I see the triad of my soul born again.

“Welcome to the world, Leo,” I say, a little husky. Aiden leans down to kiss me gently on the lips before placing a kiss on our son’s forehead.