Page 211 of A New Dawn

The urge to run and hide is overwhelming, but I gave Tiero my word, and I will honor it—even if it kills me.

And so I enter the room behind Mateo and Aiden, with my hand firmly clasped in my fiancé’s.

The lump in my throat has grown to the size of an orange, suffocating me.

Mateo steps up. As per Tiero’s request, he is the first to say his farewell.

My eyes fall on Tiero. Some of the medications helping him stay alive were scaled back this morning. He’s visibly weaker, looking nothing like the formidable mob boss I first met.

My heart hurts. What if it bursts now and Tiero’s sacrifice is in vain?

I can’t let that happen. For Tiero’s sake, I must be strong. I close my eyes and try to center myself with a deep, steadying breath.

It works for only a second. When I open my eyes, I watch Mateo hug his brother, and the pain in my chest intensifies. For a long time, Mateo doesn’t let go, holding on to his brother for dear life. Tiero speaks to him low in Italian. I don’t understand what they say, nor do I want to know. I feel like an intruder in this scene, yet I can’t look away.

Tears freely stream down both men’s faces. I’m struggling to hold it together. Aiden’s arms tighten around my waist. If it wasn’t for him giving me his unwavering strength, I’d be a puddle of despair weeping on the floor.

I rest my head against his broad chest, struggling to compose myself. At last, the brothers break apart and Mateo flees without looking back. I watch him through the window as he runs down the corridor and disappears from view.

Aiden squeezes my waist lightly, bringing me back to the room. I look up at him. I see so much love there. He nods at me, telling me with his eyes I can do this.

I wish I had his conviction.

He takes my hands and together we walk the few feet to Tiero’s bed.

Every step is heavier than the previous, until I can’t seem to lift my feet anymore.

I glance at the heart monitor and the rhythmically jumping lines, listening to the steady beeps of the machine. Soon the sound will be gone, the line on the monitor flat.

My body begins to tremble and dark spots dance in my vision. I can’t cope with this level of stress.

No, I have to hold it together. I just have to… for the man who is willing to die in order for me to live.

Aiden and Tiero wordlessly shake hands. At last, Tiero breaks the silence. “Take care of her. I entrust her to you.”

Aiden solemnly nods. “You have my word.”

I wring my hands listening to them, my eyes welling up. I blink rapidly to will the tears away.

Then Aiden turns to me. Holding my shoulders tenderly, he kisses the top of my head. “You’ve got this. I’ll be right outside.”

I only muster a shaky nod in response and watch him leave the room. It’s just me and Tiero now, with Doctor Romolo waiting by the door for Tiero’s signal.

My temperature is rising, pearls of sweat forming on my forehead. With a deep breath and the first tear rolling down my cheek, I climb on to the bed next to Tiero. He turns his head to me, and I face him with my body.

“Don’t cry for me, angel,” he whispers, his voice trembling. And it’s that tremble that breaks the dam and lets the tears flow.

I desperately try to hold it together but fail miserably. My throat has closed up. I can’t speak.

Tiero looks at this hand, and, even through my blurry vision, I understand. I take the hands he’s too weak to lift and bring them to my lips, kissing them with all the love I hold in my heart for him.

“Take care of my heart. It always belonged to you.”

Sobs are racking my body as Tiero turns his head slowly, nodding at his doctor.

I shake my head frantically, tears streaming down my face. “No, Tiero. No. Don’t.”

Bringing his hands to my chest, I plead, “Please don’t. Please don’t do this. Please don’t leave me.”