Page 196 of A New Dawn

Now they’re both sobbing, and I send Rhia a withering stare. Fuck, get it together! You know how dangerous it is to have Ella upset.

When Rhia’s gaze finally connects with mine, she swallows hard and pulls back. Wiping her tears from her face, she takes a deep breath and takes Ella’s hand. “Right, let’s do our yoga breathing. We both need to calm down,” she says, and guides Ella through a set of breathing exercises.

I’m on the other side of the bed, holding Ella’s hand, so grateful when gradually the tremors leave her body.

Simmons sends me a concerned look that screamskeep her calm.

I wish it was that easy. Especially with what Ella just said. I don’t trust I heard her correctly, so rather than asking her to repeat it, I ask, “Why were you so upset, Sunshine?”

She takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly, aware she needs to keep her cool.

“Tiero’s blood type is B negative, and apparently our tissues match. He had it all checked out. He wants to give me his heart.”

Silence descends on the room; a pin drop could actually be heard.

I’m speechless.

I literally have no words.

“He wants to give you his heart?” Rhia repeats with an expression that’s hard to read. There’s disbelief, shock… and then awe. I’m sure if this wasn’t real life but some cheesy romance movie, she’d say it was the most romantic gesture ever. She turns away quickly to hide the tears rolling down her cheeks. While one hand still holds on to Ella, the other wipes her face.

She’s right though. Though romantic isn’t the right word. Selfless perhaps? But even that doesn’t encompass the magnitude of what Gualtiero De Marco is willing to do for the woman he loves.

Unconditional love… and coming from a man who has taken countless lives for selfish reasons.

Fuck me.

The lump in my throat grows, and my eyes well up as well.

“Yeah,” Ella breathes out eventually. “He said he has never done good in his life and to allow him to do this one good thing.”


The redemption of a man.

“He also said he has nothing to live for now that he’s given me up and that his heart has always belonged to me, so I should have it.”

He’s willing to die for her so that she can live.

I never doubted his love for her, but this is the ultimate sacrifice.

The tears I’ve been struggling to hold in finally roll down my face, because I understand, because I’d be willing to die for her too.

I rub my temples with my free hand. What a mindfuck! What a legacy for Ella to carry.

But is there any other choice?

Rhia wasn’t satisfied with sitting next to Ella’s bed and ended up lying next to her, hugging her best friend tight. They didn’t speak; they didn’t need to. They’re so woven into each other’s fabric, words are often unnecessary between them.

Part of me is jealous of Rhia, of the close bond they share, of the many years they’ve had with each other. I’ve had seven weeks. Amazing as they were, it’s not long enough.

I want the rest of my life with her. And if Tiero is serious about his offer to donate his heart to Ella, then there is a chance I can have that.

I’m so relieved, yet there’s a kaleidoscope of thoughts and feelings bombarding me all at once, and many of them conflicting. I wish Ethan and Axel were here to sort through this with me. We’ve talked on the phone, but that’s just not the same.

“How are you holding up, Angel?” Lex claps me on the back, sitting down next to me. Did he hear my thoughts? My silent plea for help?

“To be honest, I’m not sure.” Perhaps his level-headedness will rub off on me.