Page 192 of A New Dawn

“That was before. Ella has to live. Do it.”

He sighs, resigned. Leaving the room, he mutters, “At least that will take care of both of you.”

He passes Burg in the doorway. I’m sure he’s overheard the last part of our conversation. His eyes are drawn together, his mouth in a tight line.

“Ella won’t accept the heart if she knows how it came about,” he says, vocalizing what I already know.

“She never has to find out. I won’t tell her. Will you?” I challenge. How far is he willing to go for the woman we both love?

His face scrunches up, his internal struggle playing out on his face—morals or Ella? Unless a miracle occurs, we can’t have both.

For myself, I had decided to let the universe be the orchestrator of what happens next, instructing Mateo to let the medical system find a new lung for me and not to go hunting for one. For once, I wanted to take a more honorable road, not wanting another life on my conscience. What’s there to live for anyway? If my time is up, it’s up.

But hearing Ella could be dead at any moment? It changes everything. And no deal with the devil is too high a price to have her live. I’m the bad guy already. But Burg? He’s the epitome of fighting for everything that’s, at least on the surface, righteous and good.

I watch him… and his struggle, holding my breath as to what his answer will be. It all hangs on him now, because if he tells Ella, there is no way she will accept.

Long minutes pass before he finally shakes his head. “My lips are sealed.”

I let out a long breath, the tension in my body releasing. “Good.”

Burg lingers in the doorway. We stare at each other and that familiar buzzing electrifies the air. I don’t want him to go.What the fuck.

“When did Ella find out?” I ask, silently beckoning him to step inside my room. There’s an unusual urge to get to know him better. But that’s only because I’m entrusting this man with my angel… or so I tell myself.

“Two days ago,” Aiden replies. “Neither of us have had a chance to process it. She talked to Mateo only a few hours after the diagnosis.”

He doesn’t say more for a few heartbeats, just letting out a frustrated breath. “There was no stopping her from coming.” He fixes me with his gaze, not afraid to challenge. “She risked everything to rush to your side. The doctors didn’t want her to go. Any stress on her heart could be fatal… and you in hospital, potentially dying. That’s no stress-free scenario, now is it?” Is he blaming me?

“It’s not my preference to be here either,” I reply dryly. “Getting shot wasn’t on my bucket list.”

That makes him chuckle. “Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to blame you. The timing is just rotten. I worry about her. Every time she looks the slightest bit stressed, I want to throw up. I’ve been trained to stay cool and collected in the most stressful of circumstances, but when it comes to Ella, all that flies out the window,” he admits.

“I hear you,” I agree. “She has the same effect on me.”

“We need to keep her as calm as possible until a heart is found,” Aiden states the obvious.

“Agreed.” Of course, I’m going to do everything in my power not to upset her.

I think back to all the times I did. Was she already sick then? Did I make things worse? Immeasurable guilt crashes over me like a tsunami wave.

Kidnapping her and destroying her life as she knew it… those were the worst decisions I’ve ever made. She was so furious with me. I was such a fool to treat her the way I did. But regret is not going to serve her or me.

Aiden runs his hands through his hair, looking defeated. When did I start thinking of him as Aiden and not just as Burg? My reactions to this man puzzle me.

I actually like him when really I should hate him for taking Ella away from me.

Aiden gets up. “I’m going to check in on Ella. I’ll let you know how she is. Let’s hope a heart can be found soon. I’m not sure how much longer Ella’s will hold out.”

An icy shiver runs through me at his words.

Ella cannot die.

I will make sure of it.

The next few hours pass in the blink of an eye. Everything seems to be speeding up—the concept of time losing its meaning.

Doctor Romolo visits with no news on procuring a new set of lungs for me. As if he anticipated my questions, he’s familiarized himself with Ella’s condition and explains to me exactly what Ella is facing and her chances of recovery if a heart is found.