Page 186 of A New Dawn

“Ella,” he greets me with a kiss on my cheek. He notices the wrist monitor, and my medical entourage. His eyes widen, a quizzical look on his face. “Long story. I will tell you later.” This is not something I want to talk about with any of them.

“Please just take me to Tiero.”

Chapter Forty-Seven


Myheartbeatsfranticallyas I stand in front of the Tiero’s door, two guards on either side scaring anyone off who shouldn’t be here.

Mateo walked me up to the room before joining Aiden and the medical team in the lounge area in this private part of the hospital. On the way, I bombarded him with my questions, his answers anything but satisfying.

The shooter is still on the loose. In fact, they have no clue who did it; hence, the increased security that’s being extended to us. Mateo told me casually the major suspects are dead already; Tiero taking care of them weeks ago. It sickens me how natural killing is in his world. I tried to justify it in my mind… they were the bad guys; the world is better off without them. But still, taking anyone’s life doesn’t sit right with me.

Despite the doctor’s and Mateo’s best efforts, no lung donor has been found yet. Turns out Tiero has a rare blood type too. What are the odds?

As Mateo turned to leave, he looked back over his shoulder. “Please bring him back to us. Please give him the strength to hold on.”

His faith in me is humbling. I wish I had the power to make everything right.

My gaze falls on to the monitor on my wrist. My heart rate is bound to go up even more when I enter this room. But I don’t want anybody storming in and disrupting the moment. Not when I don’t know how many more moments Tiero and I have left.

I reach for the panic button in my pocket. Doctor Simmons gave it to me to alert him in case I became unwell when he wasn’t with me. That will have to do.

It’s reckless, I know, but I take off the monitor from my wrist and the electrodes from my chest and store them in my other pocket. Aiden will have a fit when he notices, but I’m willing to risk it.

Stepping past the guards, my hand trembles as I push down the handle on the door. Taking a deep breath, I open it.

And there he is.

My Tiero.

I’m certain my heart stops. How could it not? Seeing him so helpless… so lifeless? Covered in tubes and wires.

My hands fly to my mouth to cover the cry of anguish wanting to erupt.

His eyes are closed, and I’m glad he’s not awake to witness the absolute horror that must be written all over my face.

He’s pale… so so pale.

Covered in tubes and wires, he’s a far cry from the strong and intimidating man I said goodbye to only a few days ago.

This can’t be real! Please, please don’t let this be real!


I’m dizzy, my vision moving like the waves in the ocean. I reach out a hand to steady myself against a wall.

Hold it together, Ella. For Tiero, for Aiden. Don’t you dare faint now!

I’m shaking all over. I don’t even know if I can make the short walk to the bed.

No excitement, no exertion, Doctor Miller’s parting words echo in my mind.

Shit, I really need to calm down. With a hand over my heart, I take deep steadying breaths, willing it to beat slower. I’m doubly glad now I took off the monitors.

I don’t want anybody to see me like this… not even Aiden.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I slowly walk towards Tiero’s bed. I don’t feel the floor beneath my feet, a strange floating sensation making everything surreal.