Page 184 of A New Dawn

“Yes, please. We’ve got about fifteen minutes before the next intrusion.”

“Clearly that’s not enough time,” Aiden teases. Still, he leans over to kiss my lips, and I open up eagerly for him. Fuck, I miss being intimate with him.

I try to deepen the kiss, but he pulls away, pecking my nose. “I’m not risking it,” he declares.

“Risking what? My heart rate increasing or being caught in the act by my medical team?” I ask, pouting.

Then something occurs to me. “Oh my god. That’s it!” I exclaim. “That’s why they come in here every twenty minutes. They’re preventing us from having sex.”

That makes Ade laugh. “Hmm, no. I think they’re aware I want to keep you alive.”

I smile, somewhat mollified. “I’ve got another fun fact for you. I came prepared this time,” I announce proudly.

He rolls onto his side to face me and gives me his full attention. “I can’t wait for this,” he says, grinning.

“The autopilot is the reason the Mile High Club exists.”

“Really? The autopilot? How?”

“According to the article I read, Lawrence Burst Sperry invented the autopilot in nineteen fourteen, and he realized it allowed pilots to do other things besides steering the plane.”

“Good one, Sunshine.” He takes my hand and pulls it to his lips to give it a kiss.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you otherwise? That article also claimed flying high makes for better orgasms. The dip in atmospheric pressure increases orgasmic intensity.”

“Hmm, intriguing, and we will try it out, I promise. As soon as you’ve got a new heart.”


Sex should be the last thing on my mind, but it isn’t. I’m led to believe I could drop dead at any moment and the thought of never feeling Aiden’s body pressed up naked against mine is torture. But I can’t fault Aiden. I know he still wants me. And if I was in his shoes, I wouldn’t risk it either.

“Does it bother you we’re rushing to Italy to be with Tiero?” I ask, my insecurities resurfacing. I don’t want him to doubt my love for him.

Like always, he seems to read my mind, knowing exactly what’s bothering me. “Ella,” he says. “I know without a shadow of a doubt that you love me. The heart, especially yours, is capable of loving so many people. Your loving nature is one of the many things I adore about you.

“You love Tiero, and I’m okay with that. I’m surprising myself here, but after meeting him, I can’t be jealous of him. I’m well aware you and he share a special bond, but I’m not threatened by it. Because you and I have one too. You couldn’t make a life with him, but you can with me. You’ve chosen me, and that’s all I need.”

I nod slowly, relieved by his words.

After yet another checkup, silence descends on our little cabin. Aiden has fallen asleep, and I gently pry the book from his hands and place it beside him. He looks so tired. He hasn’t slept much since the duel with Tiero on Saturday.

Wow. Was that really only four days ago?

Yet again, my entire world has changed once more. Could anyone keep up with this? Admittedly, this might be the last upheaval for me.

I study at the sleeping Aiden. For his sake, I shouldn’t think so negatively. I ought to fight… fight to stay alive. It would gut Aiden, and it would gut Tiero if I… God, I don’t want to say the word. I should delete it from my vocabulary.

My gaze is riveted on the sleeping man beside me, and I can’t help but caress his face. I love the rough texture of his short-groomed beard beneath my fingertips, such a stark contrast to the softness of his lips. I want them on my flesh again, kissing every inch of me. But for the moment, that’s a dream.

My mind drifts to Gandalf. I remember exactly what he looked like, the way he spoke forever etched into my memory. Wasn’t my first fear after contemplating his words that I’m dying? Did I know deep down inside even back then that something was up with me?

The three of us can only truly be free in death. How could it work any other way? Two of us are close to it. Does that mean Aiden will die soon as well?

God, please no. Aiden has to live. The world needs people like him.

How do I sort this riddle out in my head? Do I need to? Everything seems to be playing out on its own, no matter what I decide.

Can I influence anything? Or is this karma playing out?