Page 182 of A New Dawn

“Not good,” Mateo admits, and my stomach drops.

How did organ transplants suddenly become the theme of my life?

“Mateo. Tiero cannot die!” I’m yelling now. “You’re the fucking Mafia. You have ways to find him a lung.”

“And we’re looking elsewhere. But time is running out. Please, just come. You might give him the will to pull through this and hold on for longer.

“He’s in Rome. I’ll send the jet now. It should be there by the morning. Be ready. I’ll call you.” With that, he hangs up.

I don’t know what to think first.

He’s not got long… you might give him the will to pull through…

I need to get to Italy…now.

If there’s even a small chance that my being there will help Tiero live, I have to do it.

Shit, there’s probably no way Doctor Miller will let me fly… or Aiden. But I’m a dead woman already. Whether I bring this forward, a few weeks really doesn’t matter. Tiero needs me—and, my fate be damned, I will go.

Chapter Forty-Six


Aidenentersthehospitalroom a few minutes later.

God, I wish I could get off this bed and pace. My limbs are tingling with the need to move.

He closes the door gently but doesn’t walk closer, his astute eyes studying me, his eyebrows drawing together. Fuck, he knows something is up. How am I going to break this news to him? How am I going to convince him I need to go to Italy?

I feel unusually calm. For once, the tears have dried up, but they’re probably just lurking beneath the surface.

But I have a new purpose, a mission that gives me focus… Saving Tiero’s life.

I’m clenching my hands to stop them from trembling and swallow hard.

Aiden crosses his arms, unconsciously putting up a barrier between himself and what I have to say.

“I need to go to Italy… today.”

His eyes go wide. “What?!” He slowly moves forward. “That’s out of the question, Ella. You’re not going anywhere.”

“I have to… Tiero is dying.”

Aiden freezes, his face full of disbelief. “What? How? Why?”

“I don’t know the details. I spoke with Mateo. Tiero’s been shot, and he’s not going to pull through unless he has a lung transplant in the next few days. And they haven’t found a match yet. And I need to go. If he dies… Aiden… if he dies, I need to be able to say goodbye.”

“Fuck!” Aiden almost yells. “How is all this shit happening at once?” Now he’s doing the pacing my body wants to do.

The cool and collected Aiden is gone. He’s running his hands through his hair as he walks the length of the room up and down. “Fuck!”

Then his eyes rise to meet mine, and I watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows hard.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he comes to sit beside me. “I get you want to be by his side. But it’s too dangerous. Doctor Miller’s instructions were clear. Strict bedrest. No exertions or excitement.”

“Don’t you think I know that?!” I say impatiently. “My heart isn’t any better off staying here, though, while worrying about a dying man in Italy.” I take a deep breath. How am I going to make him see there is no other way?

“I need to go, Aiden. I owe him that much. He’s given me up so I can be happy. I can’t be happy knowing he’s dying and I’m not there for him.”