Page 166 of A New Dawn


That’s what’s bombarding me as I step through the door and close it behind me with a cold, heartbreaking click.

I don’t look back. I can’t or all resolve will leave me.

I can’t believe I’m doing this… I can’t believe I’m walking away from the only woman I have ever loved and will ever love in my life.

I lean against the door, closing my eyes briefly. It feels like my heart is being ripped out and I’m leaving it with her for safekeeping. Without her in my life, I won’t need it anyway.

I let out a long breath. The pain is excruciating. Ella’s mangled sobs drift from inside, tearing me apart.

Everything inside me screams to go to her. She needs comfort and someone to hold her. But I can’t. It’s his job now.

I feel eyes on me and an unmistakable tingle beneath my skin.

My eyes fly open. Burg is sitting on the couch, watching me carefully.

He gets to have her.


How am I letting him have the most precious thing to me?

“A word,” I bark at him in an icy tone.

Burg gets up and standing tall, squares his shoulders, studying me.

My stomach somersaults under his gaze. What the fuck?

Straightening up myself, I walk towards him and stop a few inches in front of him. He’s about the same height, and we enter another stare off.

He needs to understand just how precious the cargo is I leave in his hands.

“If you let anything happen to Ella or hurt her in any way, I will come after you, and you’ll wish you’d never been born.”

Surprise bathes his expression for a millisecond before he masks it.

Yes, fucker. I’m really letting her go.

He nods. “Understood. Nothing will happen to her on my watch. If it does, I’ll let you come after me.”

He holds out his hand. I stare at it, hesitating before taking it.

“You have my word. I will look after her,” he says solemnly.

We shake on it. From one man to another.

He better not break this promise, or I will haunt him for all eternity.

Santino and I leave the hotel suite, my men straightening up as I walk through the door.

“Vamos,” I tell them.

Santino is by my side, striding down the corridor in step with me.

“Get the jet ready,” I order.

He pulls out his phone and types.