Page 160 of A New Dawn

How are we going to resolve this?

I need to talk to Tiero alone. There are so many things I want to say to him, and he won’t relax enough to hear them if Aiden is around. And while I don’t have secrets with Aiden, it’d be weird talking to Tiero in front of him.

I find my fiancé’s steady gaze on me. Is he reading my mind? I reach out a hand to him. He’s quick to take it, and I squeeze it, treasuring the warmth that flows into me.

“Ade, I’d like to talk to Tiero… alone,” I say quietly.

My heart hammers against my ribs as I make my request, afraid to disappoint Aiden or hurt his feelings. It’s the last thing I’d want.

To my surprise, he nods straight away and gives me a reassuring smile. “Yes. You do need to talk to him. I’ll wait in the living room.” He bends down to give me a quick kiss. “Call out if you need me,” he says in a low voice.

God, his unwavering trust in me is humbling, and the guilt that I’m putting him through this drama is eating me alive.

Tiero, of course, overheard what I asked, the glimmer in his eyes showing he’s very much on board with this plan. He calls in Santino from the hall to watch Aiden and asks him to hand over his phone.

Damn. I bet Aiden had planned to get in touch with Gary to send reinforcement to Brazil. Now what? I watch as Ade reluctantly lets go of his phone. He does it slowly, though, making me wonder if he is using the three-fingerprint pattern that alerts Gary that there’s a problem. I bet he is.

Then Santino and Aiden step into the living room, and Tiero closes the door after them.

We’re alone for the first time in nine weeks.

My pulse beats loudly in my ears, and I clutch my hands together to stop myself from fidgeting. Long, silent seconds stretch between Tiero and me. He studies me from across the room and then slowly comes to sit on the edge of the bed.

Tiero is so fricking calm, it’s scaring me.

What is going on in his head? Why isn’t he angry?

Right at this moment, he’s most unlike the man who lost his shit at the nightclub in Palermo when some guy dared to touch my elbow. He must know Aiden has done so much more, yet he’s not showing any outward signs of fury.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m mighty relieved he’s not going off his nuts and decimating Aiden limb by limb. But this is not the man I know.

What has happened in the few weeks we’ve been apart?

“Why aren’t you fuming mad? This is not like you,” I finally ask.

He runs his hands through his hair, and, getting off the bed with a deep sigh, begins pacing.

“I honestly don’t know. I want to be mad, especially when I think about him having had his dick inside you. But somehow, I’m not. I don’t understand it either.” And after a small pause, he adds, his eyebrows drawn together, “I don’t feel altogether like myself.”

“Or perhaps you feel like yourself for the first time,” I say out loud what I’ve been pondering inside.

He stops walking and stares at me.

“If the soul riddle is true, perhaps all three of us feel more complete. I know I do. When I had that epiphany, I was at complete peace on a deeper level of myself… I’ve never experienced anything like it,” I tell him as I get off the bed and slowly close the distance between us.

He watches my every move, and the closer I get to him, the wilder the butterflies flutter. His wonderful, hazel-brown eyes draw me in with every step, until I stand before him.

I want to touch him, feel his skin against mine. The pull to him is strong. But I just stand there, staring at the beautiful man who’s embedded in my soul. I watch his pulse hammer at the base of his neck. It’s keeping time with my own thundering heartbeat.

And then I can resist no longer… I give in to my desire.

I reach up and cradle his cheek in my hand, and Tiero closes his eyes, nestling his face into my touch.

“Angel,” he sighs, before wrapping his arms around me and holding me close. His embrace is like coming home. The damn tears are back, slowly rolling down my face. I’m such a crybaby; I never used to be.

I’m not sure how long we stand like this, but neither one of us moves or is in a hurry to end this moment in time.

Still holding me tight against his body, Tiero breaks the silence. “You’re engaged to him,” he says, his voice haunted.