Page 14 of A New Dawn

I nod, unsure of how much to tell him. Right now, I can’t for the life of me remember Riley’s backstory, and even if I did, Aiden would know it’s not the truth.

I drop my gaze and let out a long breath. Until I talk more with Gary and see where Aiden fits in, it’s best to err on the side of caution and say nothing at all.

“Who are you running from?” My eyes shoot to Aiden’s as I twist a non-existent ring on my finger. Is it that obvious I’m on the run?

Duh. Having a near panic attack when meeting him wouldn’t have helped his perception of me. He’s so fricking observant, nothing seems to escape his notice.

“Riley?” he asks, his voice soft and inviting me to bear it all to him.

Not going to happen.

Hearing him call me Riley seems so strange. But I better get used to it, and fast.

What did Riley mean again? Courageous and brave. I can be that. Not just for me but for peanut as well. I resist the urge to cradle my stomach. With Aiden’s hawk eyes on me, he’d notice and put two and two together.

Instead of answering, I divert. “Do you know that an ant’s sense of smell is stronger than a dog’s?”

Aiden doesn’t look surprised by my rerouting of the conversation. His eyes twinkle with amusement.

“Okay, I get it. You don’t want to talk about it. We’ve only just met and you don’t trust me yet, and that’s fair enough. I’m here to help you, though, and that’s easier if I know what I’m up against.”

I lift my cup to my lips and take a sip, unnerved that he’s not afraid to call me out. Most people would have let it go. The fact that Aiden doesn’t, speaks volumes. Unlike me, he’s not afraid to speak up, and I admire that.

Still, I’m not going to tell him. If Gary hasn’t filled him in, then there is a reason for it. But I’m not forward enough to tell him exactly that.


“What were you doing in Canada?” I ask instead. Let’s turn the tables and learn something about him.

He doesn’t reply right away, studying me for a moment, probably contemplating whether to go with the topic change or keep pushing for answers.

“I was on Prince Edward Island overseeing the training for a client’s newest recruits. They’re a new security company and they’re hiring tons of people. Freemont has one of the most sought-after training programs in the country. We’re booked out solid for the next two years. There’s so much growth potential there. Gary and I are currently talking about expanding this section of the business.”

Listening to Aiden talk, it’s clear he loves his job, and he seems quite high up the pecking order. “So you’re working in the training section at Freemont?”

“I’m the head of that department. I’m responsible for anything training related… as you will find out.” And there is the cheeky grin again.

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“Everyone at Freemont, including admin staff and canine trainers, has to undergo at least basic training. If you wanted to work in the actual security section, there’s rigorous assessments even before you were accepted. We only hire the best.”

And here I got in without even an interview. It must have been some favor Gary owed Lex.

“And once you’re on the payroll, training continues,” Aiden explains. “Skill levels need to be maintained and developed. We have an extensive ongoing training program.”

“Oh.” My eyebrows lift. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

“Do I really need it, though? It’s not like I’m going into the field.”

“No, you’re not. But you need an understanding of all our codes and how to react when certain alerts are issued. Besides that, there is self-defense, weapon training, and a basic wilderness survival bootcamp.”

Okay, I can see the need for learning Freemont’s codes and alerts, and I’m on board with self-defense and weapon training. I had already considered it myself, given I’m on the run from the mob and might have to defend peanut and myself.

But how much can I safely do being pregnant? Loud, jarring gunfire surely can’t be good for a developing fetus.

And a bootcamp?! Pregnant or not, it sounds horrible.

I’m sure my face gives away my distaste for the idea. “How long is this bootcamp and what happens in it?”