Page 139 of A New Dawn

Instant calm fills me, and the sun that’s been hiding behind dark clouds breaks through the murky underbelly of my psyche. My soul relaxes.

She might have changed her appearance, but I’d recognize her anywhere; my body would recognize her anywhere.

She’s cut off her beautiful, long blonde hair and has dyed it brown. Her makeup also makes her look quite different, but she is even more radiant than before. She’s my goddess. The smile on her face as she watches the action on the racing track lights up my world.

I found her!

I finally have her back.

My heart pounds in my chest uncontrollably, and my legs go weak.

She turns her back to the track and looks through the crowd, her face having turned serious.

Is she sensing me too?

Yes, angel. I’m here.

Fuck, I’ve missed her… her touch, her lips, her scent, the way she calls my name.

She shakes her head ever so slightly as if to clear it and with something of a smile turns to watch the qualifying again.

She looks so content.

The sight of her unleashes a raw pain that’s threatening to consume me. The lump in my throat grows so large, I can’t swallow.

I pined for her, going insane without her, being a miserable prick to everyone around me… and she looks happy.

Really fucking happy.

How is that possible?

The answer becomes obvious a moment later when a guy steps up behind her and snakes his arms around her waist.

Time seems to slow as I watch this scene unfold frame by excruciating frame.

It feels like my insides are being mangled and chewed. Ella turns and throws her arms around his neck, her eyes bright and a smile lighting up her face. She stands on her tiptoes to kiss him as he pulls her tighter against him.

My mouth falls open.

I’m imagining this, right?! This is not real.

My chest is so tight, it’s hard to draw in a breath.

Maybe it’s not her? Ella wouldn’t do this to me. How can she have moved on already? It’s only been a few weeks.

No, no, no, no, no. This is not real.

I’m rooted to the spot, rubbing my eyes, but when I look again, it’s still the same picture.

Then the guy turns to rest his butt against the balustrade.

And fuck me, it’s the guy from before. She’s with him? Is that why I reacted the way I did?

Then my eyes are drawn to something sparkling on Ella’s finger.


This isn’t what I think it is. No way.